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Boris, Corbyn, Trump and co - one agency's REALLY unusual Christmas card

Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Jeremy Corbyn, Phillip Hammond, Tony Blair and Bob Geldof, all in one image...is this truly the nightmare before Christmas? 

Well no, actually it’s the Christmas card being sent out this coming weekend by London estate agency STANLEY Chelsea - and projects manager Jules Eccles has been generous enough to give Estate Agent Today readers a sneak peak before she puts them in the post.

It’s bound to set the cat amongst the pigeons as it makes a less-than-subtle reference to the Autumn Statement announcement of a ban on letting agents levying fees on tenants. STANLEY Chelsea made a point of saying way back in June that it wasn’t charging fees to tenants - and now it’s turned its pledge into a satirical card.


Before you scroll down to spot the characters, a reminder that we’re only too happy to share your agency’s Christmas pics - office decorations, Christmas parties, festive jumpers and more - with other EAT readers. Just email them to press@estateagenttoday.co.uk and we’ll do the rest.

Now, who do you recognise here?

  • Fake Agent

    Nice work. Maybe STANLEY Chelsea are in the wrong line of work. Any idea why the STANLEY is capitalised, by the way?

  • Daniel Roder

    Blimey, that's a sight for sore eyes this early in the morning!


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