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Graham Awards


Your pictures - a celebration video and LOTS more Christmas jumpers

We’ve had almost three weeks of photographs and Mannequin Challenges from agents and we’re thrilled that they’re still coming in - and we’re delighted that today we can offer you something slightly different courtesy of the team at Mark Antony Estates in Warrington.

Director Mark Bridge kindly sent us an extremely cheery Boomerang Christmas Jumper Video which you can see here.... everyone looks in knitwear-tastic festive form.

There’s more knitwear on offer from the good people at Johns & Co at London’s Canary Wharf - we’re particularly struck by the clever #Elfie jumper although the one with the sign To The Pub may be more our style if we’re honest.

Thanks to the firm’s marketing supremo Carla Bradman for sharing them with our readers.

Finally today we’ve got a fine show by the team at Murrays Estate Agents in Stroud - just about everyone appears to have got into the act via jumpers, dresses and Santa tops. 

Our tinsel-topped gratitude goes to sales associate Andrea Richardson-Wood for sending them in.



More tomorrow!


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