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Agents Do Charity ... as March fast approaches

March and spring are fast approaching - time for more entries to be listed on this regular Friday feature, giving respect to those in our industry doing charitable works.

Those agents below emailed us on press@estateagenttoday.co.uk and we are proud to salute them. Come on, send us details of your great work too.



Farm Africa: Ollie Peacock of Jackson-Stops & Staff in Bury St Edmunds is slipping on his running shoes this spring in aid of two of his favourite charities. 

At the end of February he will run the Brighton Half Marathon for Farm Africa, a charity which is helping Africa feed itself by providing the tools and expertise to enable smallholders in eastern Africa to increase their harvests.

Additionally, at the end of April he will run the London Marathon in aid of Shelter, the campaigning charity for the homeless. 

Ollie is hoping to raise £32,000 for Shelter and £3,250 for Farm Africa. “I am delighted to be able to run in aid of two such worthwhile causes, making a genuine difference to people’s lives” he says. 

Ollie’s fundraising page is here: https://www.virginmoneygiving.com/OlliePeacock

MacMillan Cancer Support: Manning Stainton has announced the launch of ‘Mannings for Macmillan 2016’ - the third time the agency has chosen Macmillan as the main focus of its annual fund raising, which in total has generated over £130,000. The money has been used to pay for a specialist Breast Cancer Nurse at St James’s Hospital in Leeds.

Colleagues from the agent’s network of 19 sales and lettings offices across West and North Yorkshire will be taking part in a range of activities throughout the year including the Knaresborough Bed Race and the Paint Green Leeds event in June.

Mark Manning, Sales Director at Manning Stainton says: “I am immensely proud of the way the entire company, as well as family, friends and our contacts in the local business community have embraced our previous fund raising efforts and I am confident they will do the same again this year. Cancer affects far too many people, including those nearest to us. That is why everybody is so willing to do their bit to support the wonderful work Macmillan does.”

In addition to Macmillan, Manning Stainton also helps local schools, clubs and youth organisation through its community support programme. In 2015 the agency made donations to over 100 such groups, totalling in excess of £65,000.


LandAid at MIPIM: Competition is hotting up for the second LandAid MIPIM Tennis Classic, in association with BNP Paribas Real Estate. Sixteen property professionals have already pledged to 'Make a Racket' on Wednesday, March 16, by donning their whites for the fundraising event.

The property industry's charity, LandAid improves the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in the UK. Spectators are also welcome to enjoy the action with more than 70 already signed up to advantage of a unique networking opportunity in the picturesque surroundings of Cannes Tennis Club.

John Slade, CEO of BNP Paribas Real Estate UK, said: “We are delighted to support the LandAid MIPIM Tennis Classic for a second year. LandAid’s mission to end youth homelessness is one that should make the property industry proud, and I believe the whole industry should get behind.”

It costs £1,000 per player to take part while, for a charge of £50, spectators can watch the action while enjoying a morning of corporate hospitality. Places are limited - visit www.mipimtennis.org to get involved.


Hospice UK: And finally, a special mention for Richard from the Oxford office of Martin & Co., who is running 100 kilometres in August for Hospice UK. 

It’s never to early to donate - so you know what to do! https://www.justgiving.com/richardgoodwin-23


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