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Agents Do Charity - the Game, Set and Match edition...

The start of Wimbledon means we’re reaching peak summer - even if the weather suggests otherwise. But distractions like sporting events and holiays are not enough to deter the finest in our industry raising funds for good causes.


Please continue to tell us what you’re doing, on press@estateagenttoday.co.uk - we love to publicise your hard work.



Now on to this week’s heroes...




Agents Giving: Relocation Agent Network has launched its #RelocationAcrosstheNation fundraising event. 


Using the estate agency membership’s referral network, the event will see Relocation Agent Network members across England, Scotland and Wales, help raise money for Agents Giving.


The #RelocationAcrosstheNation event launched on June 22, coinciding with Agents Giving Day, the charity’s national fundraising day. Between then and July 31 participating members will donate £1 to Agents Giving, each time they either send or receive a customer referral. 


Managing Director of Relocation Agent Network, Richard Tucker said, “We’re delighted that so many of our Relocation Agent Network members are joining us in this fundraising effort and we look forward to seeing how much we can raise in the coming weeks. Agents Giving is a fantastic organisation who makes a real impact, especially to homeless charities and local communities, and we are proud to support them.”




London Youth: Kinleigh Folkard and Hayward has raised over £16,000 so far this year for charity partner London Youth.


London Youth is a charity that supports a network of diverse community youth groups and clubs across the capital. Their mission is to support and challenge young Londoners to become the best they can be.


As charity partner KFH’s role is to use the company’s branch and office network across London to build awareness of the charity and to raise much needed funds for London Youth and specific London Youth clubs and centres local to KFH branches.



Julian Peak, Sales Director, said: “At the start of this year we said we wanted to build awareness of London Youth and raise as much money as possible for this amazing charity. But we also wanted to have some fun while we did it and I’m so pleased with how staff from across the company have come together for such a great cause.


“£16,000 is an amazing amount so far, but we’re entering the summer when a lot of fundraising challenges and events are taking place and we have dozens of eager members of staff taking part in order to contribute to the fundraising total. We’re also organising a company-wide fundraising day on 7 July so we hope to boost our fundraising total significantly by the end of the summer.”


Chestnut Tree House: A group of managers from Leaders in Sussex turned their attention to gardening for a day last week in order to support local charity, Chestnut Tree House.

The group of 12 spent a day at the children’s hospice near Arundel carrying out a range of tasks, including mowing, pruning, cleaning and weeding. The day was organised – for the third year running - as part of Leaders’ charity partnership with Together for Short Lives which supports children’s hospices across the UK.

Kathy Taylor, area manager for Sussex at Leaders, who helped organise the event, said: “Chestnut Tree House is close to the hearts of so many of our staff and this was a great way for us to lend our support to the hospice and the people who work so hard to make it a comfortable place for children living with life-limiting conditions and their families.

“We were all delighted to be able to help out in the hospice’s beautiful gardens and had a great day. Chestnut Tree House is an inspirational place and, over the three years we have partnered with Together for Short Lives, we have had the privilege of being able to witness the work it does up close.

“As well as volunteering as part of our charity partnership, we also take part in fundraising during Children’s Hospice Week which takes place in May. So far this year we are delighted to have raised £22,000 and are well on our way towards our £50,000 target for 2017.”

Next month a group of 15 Leaders directors will take part in a sponsored 10-mile walk from the firm’s head office in Worthing to Chestnut Tree House to show their support.

For more details please visit https://www.chestnut-tree-house.org.uk/fundraising/corporate-support/.


Friends of Ninelands Primary School: The chance to win a brand new bike ensured the annual fundraising raffle at a local school was a runaway success.

The £150 voucher towards the purchase of a bike, or scooter, was kindly donated to the Friends of Ninelands Primary School by the Garforth branch of Manning Stainton through its on-going Community Support Programme. The lucky winners of the star prize were brothers Joseph and Curtis who are both pupils at the school.

The bumper prize draw is part of a full calender of fundraising activity carried out by the FON on behalf of the school. This year the money raised is being used to purchase new tables and chairs for the dining room, and a major consignment of books.


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