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Graham Awards


Little-known Conservative MP Kit Malthouse is new housing minister

The little-known Conservative MP Kit Malthouse has been named as the new housing minister.

He takes over from the high-flying Dominic Raab, who was today promoted to the Cabinet as Brexit Secretary.

Malthouse’s parliamentary CV is short as he was first elected only in 2015, as member for North West Hampshire - he won the seat again at last year’s General Election. 


He has served at different times since being first elected on the Treasury and Armed Forces Committees, and since January this year has held the role of Parliamentary Under-Secretary at the Department of Work and Pensions.


He is a former deputy mayor of London and is by profession a chartered accountant. 

Some 20 years ago he founded a Midlands-based finance company which he now chairs. 

  • Rob  Davies

    Let me be the first to say: Who?


    And let me be the first to say: For how long?

  • icon

    Quite agree Jeremy, it doesn't matter who is in power, they always appoint clueless people with no industry expertise, how do they expect to change the industry for the better when they have little understanding of what the drivers are and what problems need to be fixed !!!

  • icon

    we need a landlord,a tenant,a businessman, to be in office together to sort this mess out !

  • Simon Bradbury

    Respectfully, I disagree with all of the previous posts.
    Kit Malthouse will be required to implement the policies and procedures that have already been agreed. We may or may not like all/some of these policies (and everyone has different views of course) but an apparent lack of "industry expertise" or not having the "right background" are very poor reasons for criticising this appointment. For all we know he may well have been a "...landlord, tenant" and/or "a businessman".
    Honestly, if the person nominated for this job agreed with all of the housing policy issues that you believe in but had ZERO experience - would you still challenge the appointment?
    We need to focus on the policies (and laws stemming from those policies) not what we understand to be the experience or lack of experience of an individual. Though experience is a useful tool to rely on in some situations, it is in my view slightly overrated and almost by definition - subjective.

  • icon

    I can see NAEA Propertymark tearing out their hair at yet another (knows-nothing-about-the-subject) Housing Minister appointment. The frequency with which they change usually means their having to start at the beginning explaining their concerns speaking V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y so that they can learn what they need to know. It's a bit like teaching Japanese from scratch I suspect.


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