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Graham Awards


Agents Do Charity - let’s stay calm and carry on doing good work

In an increasingly aggressive UK right now, it’s worth remembering that most people just want to get along and do good - and nowhere in our industry is this more visible than in the work agents and suppliers do for charity.

We’re proud to carry stories each week about the terrific fund-raising that goes on in our industry; just drop us a line at press@estateagenttoday.co.uk and we’re more than happy to publicise your efforts.

Stay calm everyone, and here’s this week’s roll call of honour...


York Mind: Charlie Lancaster, managing director of mybid4it, is vice-chairman of York Round Table and it’;s holding its charity quiz and curry night on November 7.

This follows last year’s terrific £2,500 for York Special Care Baby Unit.

“This year we are raising funds for York Mind – who are a local mental health charity which aims to empower individuals experiencing mental ill health to start on the pathway to recovery. We’re hoping for another great evening of quizzing, curry and fun; all for such a great cause” he tells EAT.

Tickets are £15 per person with minimum teams of four. Online booking fee of £1.22 per ticket; the ticket price includes a charitable donation and a three course curry

Online booking only, available here


Unique: The founder of Ellis Hay Estate Agency in Scarborough, Samantha Hay (pictured right), crossed the finish line of The Great North Run earlier this month to raise money for gene disorder charity, Unique.

Samantha and letting agent Becky Butler (left) raised £1,600 for the charity by running over 13 miles with 57,000 others to finish the half marathon fundraiser.

“Starting the race was tremendously exciting – after all the training and the early morning journey up to South Shields, we were excited to get going and start running” explains Samantha.

Unique helps families deal with the devastating effects of rare chromosome and gene disorders. The charity aims to inform, network and support families and individuals who are affected a rare chromosome or gene disorder.

“Unique is a charity that my family have found extremely beneficial. My niece, Violet, was diagnosed with a rare chromosome disorder that changed her life drastically. We wanted to give something back for all the hard work Unique do.”

You can still give here.

Agents Giving: The industry’s own charity is suggesting that agents start practicing their swing as the build-up commences to the October 8 Charity Golf Day.

There is only space for two more teams on the golf day; other teams taking part include Brief Your Market, Rightmove, Atlas Displays, Reapit, LSL, Flatfair, Myhomemove, ZPG, Kerfuffle, Iam Sold, Your Move, E-Property Services and more.

The event will be taking place at Morley Hayes Golf Club, Morley, Derbyshire and will be hosted by Agents Giving Directors David Newnes and Gareth Samples.

Teams can look forward to a fun filled day of golf on this award winning course, followed by a three–course dinner and charity auction. Agents with a competitive streak can enjoy attempting to win prizes for longest drive and nearest the pin.

For more information on how to get involved with this event, please visit the Agents Giving website.


Their Voice: Arnold & Baldwin has organised a charity day to support the work of Their Voice, which has been established to help victims of modern slavery.

The chartered surveying firm donated the time of 16 members of its team to sort through donations the charity had received to help provide a new start for individuals who have been rescued from modern slavery.

Managing director Joe Arnold says: “Thanks to a lot of lovely people and a Facebook campaign, Their Voice has beenoverwhelmed with donations, which needed to be organised. So, 16 of us spent a day at the charity, clearing through everything that had been donated and sorting it out so that it is all ready to be used by the people who need it most. With so many of us, what would have taken a month, we achieved in just a few hours, and everyone was very pleased to have been able to help.”


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