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More guidance and advice to the agency industry - Conquering Corona

We'd hoped it was good news but in fact it's just good-news-yet-to-come.

The Savills office in Wuhan, the epicentre of the Coronavirus crisis in China, has not reopened after all; on the advice of the government in that country, it's remaining closed.

Our earlier story turns out not to be correct but some businesses in that province are beginning to re-emerge from closure - a sign to cling on to that here, too, this moment will pass and normality will return.


In the meantime Estate Agent Today and Letting Agent Today continue to offer appropriate guidance and advice to the industry as and when we receive it - everything we feature today has come to us at press@estateagenttoday.co.uk


First off, new government advice. It sounds familiar but further down this latest despatch from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government you’ll find useful advice on how property maintenance can be continued in the current situation. Check it out here.

And this government statement is the one which we all liked - extending business rates relief to estate and lettings agents.


Next up is good news for any hard-pressed Fine & Country agents, who are to save £1,000 a month at least thanks to new deals. 

Licence fees will be cut by £500 per month and from April 1 to June 30 all national advertising fund contributions payable by licensees will be suspended, saving another £500 each, at least, while F&C’s advertising emphasis switches to digital outlets.

F&C agents will also be able to use Zoopla free of charge for six months thanks to a deal co-funded by Fine & Country parent company eProp Services. 


The 40 agencies on the digital platform love2move are invited to join a WhatsApp group providing a hub for idea and advice sharing, as well as discussing how government schemes are being accessed and the processes businesses are following to maintain their operations.

One area being discussed in the group is the need to generate vital cash flow at the end of the coronavirus outbreak. Network members have suggested love2move waives its joining fee to encourage other agents to join the network and offer online-only sales services.


Finally today, news of an offer from sales and lettings prospecting software firm Spectre.

It’s implemented an automatic 60 per cent reduction in all subscriptions on its standard terms, effective from the April 1 for three months. 

In addition, the firm has shared letter templates, guidance and advice across marketing, customer service and working effectively remotely, with its customers. 

Heather Staff, co-founder of Spectre, says: “My brother and I are from a family of estate agents, so we know how deeply COVID-19 is being felt in the industry. We’re in constant communication with our customers and the support we’re offering is based on how they feel they can most benefit at this time.”


That’s it for today - stay strong as we carry on Conquering Corona. More tomorrow…


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