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Agents urged to believe in the Santa property rally

There are Christmas gifts aplenty waiting for agents who maintain their focus on marketing plans throughout December, according to The ValPal Network (TVPN).

Data from the lead generation and online valuation provider shows that as soon as Christmas lunch is over, homeowners’ minds turn to thoughts of pastures new, with 22,000 leads forecast to be generated during the festive week.

Rosie McLean, head of support at TPVN, said lead levels double on Boxing Day and continue to rise until New Year's Eve.


She said: “They then peak during the first week of January. Over the past three years, 3,500 leads were generated on Boxing Day alone.

“This idea that no-one thinks about moving over the festive season is a complete myth.”

ValPal data estimates that 82,000 leads will be generated this December – 22,000 of them between December 22nd and 31st.

McLean added: “If agents don’t want to miss out, they have to start concentrating on their marketing plans now – if they leave it until January, they’re going to miss the boat.”

TPVN has made recent improvements following customer feedback, which includes a new lead management system, the ability to add notes and set reminders and a mobile app.

McLean said: “Given the economic climate, we’ve been looking at ways to help agents innovate, maximise vendor and landlord opportunities and improve our service.

“We know it’s tempting for agents to switch off their marketing plans over Christmas – especially when the forecasts aren’t as positive as they’ve been over the last year or two.

“But although it might feel as though there’s a ‘Christmas slump’ in the market, the truth is that thousands of homeowners begin to consider their next move over the holidays.

“They’re sat in house, stuffed full of Christmas turkey, planning what’s to come in the year ahead.

“That’s why we see this huge influx of leads over the period.”

It comes as a regional estate agent is warning home sellers not to fall for the “launch on Boxing Day fallacy.”

But Matt Nicol, managing director of Nicol & Co which has offices in Droitwich, Worcester and Malvern, said there are risks in waiting.

He said: “If you wait until Boxing Day, you are competing with thousands and thousands of other sellers who are hoping that casual online browsers will find their property – and actually be motivated to view and buy.

“Serious buyers are already looking. They know that mortgage rates are dropping, prices are steady in Worcestershire, and the Autumn Statement has maintained the Stamp Duty changes but put a time limit of March 2025 on them.

“Demand is currently exceeding supply, so we are seeing more buyers than sellers which is all the more reason to be marketing your property now.”

He pointed out that fewer listings in December meant less choice for buyers and therefore more likelihood of them choosing to view your property, adding: “Serious buyers recognise that mortgage rates have started to decline as the Autumn Statement’s effect on calming the markets has begun to take effect, and they have ensured their mortgage offer is in place.

“This means they are ready to proceed and keen to get moving – literally.

By delaying until Boxing Day, Nicol claims sellers are simply putting their property on the market at the same time as thousands of other properties in your area.

He said: “Unless the number of buyers magically increases by the same factor, then you are just competing with each other for the same pool of buyers with agreed mortgages who can proceed.

“The popularity of the many property programmes on TV demonstrates how people like to look around other people’s homes, but it doesn’t always mean they are serious about buying.

“We are recommending that our clients call us to discuss putting their home on the market immediately and reap the rewards of being ready to sell before Christmas.

“It’s always good to know that one of life’s biggest decisions, to move house, is done and dusted before you break out the mince pies and settle down to enjoy the festive season.”

*The ValPal Network is owned by Angels Media, which also owns the Today sites


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