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Agents feeling ‘more positive’ despite listings drop

Agents are feeling more positive about the next 12 months after reporting higher prices and fewer abortive sales.

The Federation of Independent Agents (FIA) said members have recorded price increases for the first time in three months, with 6% reporting an uptick.

Viewings and sales agreed were up during November, FIA members said, while 29% reported a decrease in fall-throughs, compared with 17% in October.


However, the figures showed 41% of members reported a decline in listings, up from 11% in October.

The research also calculates a positivity score among agents, putting it at 64% for November.

Graham Lock, founder of the FIA, said: “‘November was a positive month, with the first signs of price movement in an upwards direction since September, increased sales and viewing numbers together with less fall-throughs and an increase in the future outlook.

“Every month FIA members provide their direct feedback regarding their local market conditions, it provides a ‘real-world’ sense-check of what’s really going on out there but with the caveat that the network is only available for independent agents that are on top of their game.

“We have member agents operating across the UK so the feedback is a good indicator but only of top performing agents so it may be a surprise to many that the stats are looking good especially the positivity index which measures our members’ feeling for the next 12 months, this stands at 64%, the highest since we started measuring in September.”


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