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Gove-r and out! Housing Secretary to quit after General Election

Housing Secretary Michael Gove has become the latest high-profile MP to announce he would step down ahead of July’s General Election.

Gove said he won’t stand as the Conservative candidate for Surrey Heath when the nation goes to the polls on 4 July.

It brings an almost 20-year career in Parliament to an end.


Gove was Housing Secretary between 15 September 2021 and 6 July 2022 before he was sacked by then Prime Minister Boris Johnson. 

He then returned to the role when Rishi Sunak replaced Liz Truss as  Prime Minister.

Gove also held other high-profile roles as Education and Justice Secretary.

Gove’s resignation letter mentioned leasehold reform and building 1m homes during this Parliament among his key achievements.

There was no mention of his previous commitments to totally abolishing the leasehold system though, with watered down reform making it through Parliament last week.

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    The rats are jumping the sinking ship.


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