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KEYWORD "Conservatives" - 100 RESULTS
Ambitious Labour may hit homes target if rates come down

There is no doubt that the residential market in the UK slumped last year. Transactions were at around 1 million, whereas...

27 July 2024

From: Features

Building sites and battlegrounds - will Labour’s 1.5m new homes plan collapse?

The new Government’s plan to ‘Get Britain Building’ is ambitious, to say the least.    And it is central to their mission, not...

20 July 2024

From: Features

JONATHAN ROLANDE: Where Labour should start on housing

It's more than a week since we saw the removal vans enter Downing St and Labour’s promise to hit the ground...

15 July 2024

From: Breaking News

General Election day! What the outcome could mean for the property market

The nation heads to the polls today to help choose the next Government. Housing hasn’t been a main feature and most of...

04 July 2024

From: Breaking News

General Election: UK voters shifting from Tories to Labour on housing

The Conservatives are set to lose nearly half of homeowner votes on Thursday, latest polling from national estate agency Jackson-Stops reveals.  In...

02 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Industry Views - The one Property tax Labour really should change

In the later stages of an election when the Conservatives’ best chance of success is forcing an own goal by Labour,...

22 June 2024

From: Features

Tory Housing Policies Miss Out On Poll Position

You have to wonder who is advising Rishi Sunak these days. Months ago, Silverstone must have seemed a terrific venue to hold...

15 June 2024

From: Features

RICS Warns Agents - Election Now Hurting Buyer Confidence

The latest residential market sentiment survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors suggests confidence in the housing market is beginning...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

General Election: estate agents react to Tory manifesto

The Conservative Party’s General Election manifesto has committed to resurrecting the Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme and temporarily removing Capital...

12 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Sunak vows to maintain first-time buyer Stamp Duty exemption

The Conservatives appear to have abandoned plans to reverse Stamp Duty thresholds for first-time buyers if the party returns to power...

10 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Foxtons reveals General Election wish list

Stamp Duty reform and first-time buyer support tops the list of what Foxtons would like to see from the next Government. The...

10 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Chancellor commits to Family Home Tax Guarantee

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has pledged not to raise Stamp Duty as part of a Family Home Tax Guarantee. Writing in the Daily...

07 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Industry Views - Keir! Rishi! - What About Housing?

And so we wait. The election, still only a week old and with almost five left to go, has served up main...

01 June 2024

From: Features

Industry Views - The Housing Battleground for General Election 2024

So we’ve been sent the ‘Save The Date’ card - it’s July 4. Now all we need is the invitation to the...

25 May 2024

From: Features

Stamp Duty Cut would trigger evictions and price rises - claim

A stamp duty cut would see house prices go up and evictions soar, a property industry commentator claims. Reports in the past...

07 May 2024

From: Breaking News

MPs demand scrapping of ground rents on leasehold properties

Sky News is reporting that up to 30 Conservative MPs are threatening to rebel against the government’s approach to ground rents...

02 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty Cut possible in Mini-Budget - government briefing

A report in the Times newspaper says Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is planning a stamp duty cut in the early autumn. The paper...

22 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Government's leasehold reform proposals come under the spotlight

The complexities of the government’s leasehold reform proposals affecting millions of homeowners came under the spotlight at a seminar organised by...

02 March 2024

From: Features

 Chancellor finalising ‘high-risk’ 1% mortgage scheme - reports

Rumours of the launch of a 1% mortgage deposit scheme have re-emerged with just weeks to go until the Spring Budget  Chancellor...

23 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Housebuilders back Labour to get Britain building

Housebuilders have indicated that they would prefer a Labour government is formed after the next General Election. The latest Land Index and...

30 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Will housing be a major battleground in the 2024 general election?

After months of negative messaging and anti-development sentiment, espoused both nationally by the Government, and locally during May’s local election campaigning,...

13 January 2024

From: Features

Revolutionising leasehold -the road ahead for owners and managers of blocks of flats

The United Kingdom stands on the precipice of a historic overhaul in property ownership. With the King's speech unveiling the anticipated...

25 November 2023

From: Features

Michael Gove’s Wasted Opportunity

Talk about a wasted opportunity. The Conservative party conference - just finished, and possibly the last one before a General Election -...

07 October 2023

From: Features

Housing Secretary: We (still) need to do more on home ownership

More families need a home they can call their own, the Housing Secretary Michael Gove has claimed. Speaking at the Tory Party...

04 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Propertymark aims to put housing on party conference agenda

Propertymark is extending its political engagement and reach by exhibiting at the party conferences this week. The agency trade body will be...

02 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Have mortgage rates peaked?

Since the Bank of England base rate started making large jumps around the middle of last year, mortgage rates have increased...

23 September 2023

From: Features

Government urged to resurrect Help to Buy

The Government is facing calls to resurrect the Help to Buy Equity Loan scheme. The housing support scheme, which provided a Government-backed...

11 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Party Time - housing policies from Labour, Tories and the rest

And suddenly it’s autumn. It’s just six weeks before the clocks change, days are getting shorter and - the real sign...

09 September 2023

From: Features

Why we need a reasoned approach to Green Belt release

Keir Starmer’s announcement about building on the Green Belt attracted some contentious headlines. It immediately thrust housing and planning into the...

26 August 2023

From: Features

Speculation about Gove future as reshuffle likely in September

It may be all change - again - at the Department of Levelling Up, Communities and Local Government if media speculation...

17 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Jonathan Rolande: Are bungalows the answer to the housing crisis?

It has been another busy week in the property sector.  In his latest column, property commentator Jonathan Rolande, provides his take on...

19 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour leader vows to ‘back builders not blockers’ in new housing pledge

Labour leader Keir Starmer took to the airwaves yesterday, promising to "back the builders not blockers" when it comes to homeownership. Speaking...

18 May 2023

From: Breaking News

PM reveals Tory party members drove ditching of housebuilding targets

Rishi Sunak has admitted Conservative Party members were a factor in ditching centralised housing targets. The Government officially watered-down proposals for mandatory...

14 April 2023

From: Breaking News

PM sticks to debunked 'record housebuilding' claim

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak yesterday repeated previously debunked claims that the Government is building record numbers of homes. Housebuilding have returned to...

01 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Former Housing Secretary: ‘It’s un-Conservative to not build homes’

A former Housing Secretary has outlined why the Conservative Party mustn’t abandon its commitment to housebuilding. It comes as some 47 Conservative...

24 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Autumn Statement: Chancellor urged not to further tax homeownership

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt should be wary of placing a greater financial burden on homeowners in next weeks’s Autumn Statement, an agent...

10 November 2022

From: Breaking News

MPs back Stamp Duty cut as Labour queries its benefits

A Bill to bring the Government’s Stamp Duty reductions into legislation reached its second reading in the Houses of Parliament this...

26 October 2022

From: Breaking News

If You Think Truss Is Bad, Look At The System...

How did the housing market transform from incredibly strong - almost too strong - early in the year, to a situation...

15 October 2022

From: Features

Poor Liz and Kwasi. What Do They Do Now?

Who would be in the shoes of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng? I don’t mean who would like their power, pay and...

01 October 2022

From: Features

Rishi-Tweedle-Dum and Liz-Tweedle-DumDum

When it comes to housing policy, the Conservative MPs have given their party a choice between Tweedle Dum and Tweedle DumDum. Rishi...

23 July 2022

From: Features

Why haven't politicians listened to our industry?

It’s often fashionable to criticise trade bodies and official groups, but right now I think that’s absolutely inappropriate. In well over 20...

25 June 2022

From: Features

Industry Views - Michael Gove and His Dead Cat

In retrospect, it was perhaps inevitable that the infamous dead cat would come into the debate over government housing targets and...

21 May 2022

From: Features

Right To Buy - what on earth is government playing at?

What a difference two months and some local elections make. Cast your minds back to March 9 and the annual report of...

07 May 2022

From: Features

Why Rental Reform Is Becoming More Important By The Day

It’s easy to overestimate the importance of something in one’s own industry or work, but there seems good reason for believing...

23 April 2022

From: Features

The Coming ‘Budget’ - What’s In Store For Agents?

If you want to sex-up the Chancellor’s financial statement scheduled for lunchtime on Wednesday, you’d call it a Budget or a...

19 March 2022

From: Features

Heavier Tax On Second Homes - Tories are now as keen as Labour

A poll of Conservative voters shows strong majorities for higher taxes on second homes and empty properties, and tougher demands on...

07 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Boris Johnson’s Successor: what next for housing policies?

Will he stay or will he go? You don’t need me to say who ‘he’ is - it’s the only story...

22 January 2022

From: Features

Lies, Damned Lies, and House Building Targets

We’ve probably all learned to be a little less cynical about politicians in recent weeks, given the tragic events. We perhaps...

30 October 2021

From: Features

Lucky For Vendors: 13 buyers for every home on sale, says agency

There were 13 new buyers for every property listed for sale in the UK in September according to Knight Frank.  Over the...

11 October 2021

From: Breaking News

A Taxing Time: the property industry is set for increases

By the time I next write this column, we’ll be just days before the next Budget and Autumn Statement. So I’ll...

02 October 2021

From: Features

Rent Controls - It’s Back To The Future

Few political policies have such a ring of the past as rent controls - they were last seen in this country...

04 September 2021

From: Features

Is This The Alternative To Stamp Duty?

There’s gathering momentum to do ‘something’ about the unfairness of council tax and stamp duty. This isn’t new in principle. Agents have...

24 July 2021

From: Features

Top Tories set up firm to buy back former council houses

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond and strategist Sir Lynton Crosby - the architect of many Conservative election campaigns -...

19 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Pro-Ownership and Anti-NIMBY laws likely in Queen’s Speech

Government leaks ahead of today’s Queen’s Speech suggest a major planning shake-up is set to stop NIMBY objectors to new homes. News...

11 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Vote, Vote, Vote - Housing and the 2021 Local Elections

Local elections rarely set the pulse racing and this year’s poll on Thursday faces a similar problem. But this time, it’s a...

01 May 2021

From: Features

Stamp Duty pledge by Conservatives ahead of local elections

The Conservatives have promised that first time buyers would not pay tax when buying a home in Wales if the party wins...

23 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Labour attacks stamp duty break as “a half billion pounds giveaway”

Labour says Chancellor Rishi Sunak “will give away half a billion pounds to second homeowners and landlords through the stamp duty...

05 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Labour anger at low-deposit mortgages plan in Budget

Labour has accused the government of promoting “sky high mortgages” instead of providing stable accommodation for younger households. A new mortgage guarantee...

02 March 2021

From: Breaking News

150,000 and rising! Stamp Duty Extension petition wins more support

The online petition which prompted a debate by MPs has now won the support of around 150,000 signatures. Typically public support for...

23 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Has the Stamp Duty Holiday extension campaign worked?

There is no scientific formula, no list of must-have elements in a successful campaign. That’s especially the case for a campaign involving...

06 February 2021

From: Features

Calls grow to reform ALL property taxes, not just stamp duty

Pressure is building for widespread property tax reform beyond short term issues regarding stamp duty. Many MPs in this week’s 65-minute special...

05 February 2021

From: Breaking News

MPs to debate stamp duty as Chancellor considers extension

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is considering an extension to the current stamp duty holiday according to media reports today - and the...

17 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Tories pledge “revolutionary” low deposit mortgages for FTBs

Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he wants to create a ‘Generation Buy’ to help young people purchase homes with low-deposit mortgages. In...

05 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty holiday: the first change to benefit landlords in years

As expected within the property industry, the Chancellor announced a stamp duty holiday in his Summer Statement. This now means that...

25 July 2020

From: Features

Property Natter: what will property conferences and events of the future look like?

Conferences, events and awards dinners are a hugely important part of the property calendar, bringing the great and the good of...

18 July 2020

From: Features

Stamp Duty changes being considered by Sunak - but when?

Unnamed government sources quoted in many newspapers today suggest stamp duty reforms may be announced later this year. Chancellor Rishi Sunak is to...

06 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Jenrick scandal to be debated as “pigs in trough” allegations mount

Controversial Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick is the subject of a harshly critical cartoon in The Times which depicts “pigs in the...

24 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Why every political party is pro-tenant, anti-landlord

Back in the day, party politics and the private rental sector used to be straightforward. Conservatives were pro-landlord, Labour were pro-tenant, while...

13 June 2020

From: Features

Johnson’s Mansion Tax: angry Tories hit out at ‘socialism lite’

Conservatives have been lining up to criticise a mansion tax which may be introduced on expensive homes to fund infrastructure improvements...

11 February 2020

From: Breaking News

30% Discounts: good idea but...er…how will they work?

Not for the first time, a government policy on housing ends up begging more questions than it provides answers - but...

08 February 2020

From: Features

Lifetime deposits – what are the potential challenges and benefits for lettings?

Last November, as part of the Conservatives’ general election campaign, Boris Johnson made a surprise announcement that his party would introduce...

01 February 2020

From: Features

What next for property in 2020?

After a year dogged by Brexit deadlock, political turmoil, and slow growth, estate agents’ confidence in the property market hit a...

04 January 2020

From: Features

Agent sells £53m of property within hours of General Election result

An estate agent in London claims he did £53m of property deals within hours of the Conservative victory in the General...

16 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: what has the last decade meant for the property industry?

Yes, believe it or not, we’ve nearly reached the end of a whole decade. And what an eventful decade it’s been. We’ve...

14 December 2019

From: Features

Big Tory win: but agents warn over Stamp Duty and Section 21

It’s a substantial Tory government for the next five years: what does this mean for estate agents, property and the market? We have...

13 December 2019

From: Breaking News

General election 2019: The housing crisis remains a top issue

With Brexit still unresolved, the domestic agenda has been pushed from the headlines by the seemingly overwhelming public and political discord...

07 December 2019

From: Features

Prime London new build sales plummet even before SDLT surcharge

The latest figures from investment consultancy London Central Portfolio suggests new build sales have plummeted in prime areas of the capital...

28 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Election preview - what are the key issues for agents?

In just over two weeks, the UK population will head to the polls for the fourth general election since 2010. Of course,...

27 November 2019

From: Features

Stamp duty surcharge could have benefits for UK buyers - claim

The chief of an online auction service says the Conservatives’ controversial proposal for a three per cent stamp duty surcharge on...

26 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty hike for foreign buyers ‘contradicts Brexit claim’

Agents have reacted angrily to General Election proposals by all three main political parties to hike stamp duty for foreign buyers. The...

25 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty Reform: have the Conservatives got cold feet?

Pressure is building on the Conservative party to honour its previous commitment to reform stamp duty for British buyers and sellers...

22 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour pledges ‘revolution’ based on revamped council housing

Labour is pledging a “housing revolution” with the biggest council house building programme for decades Its manifesto being launched today will include new...

21 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Shock advice to buyers: Consider waiting in case Labour scraps SDLT

Until now General Election pledges of stamp duty reforms were restricted to the Conservatives - but now a tax consultancy says...

06 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Government blasted  over Starter Homes failure

The National Audit Office, a spending watchdog, has exposed the government’s Starter Homes policy with a damning critique of its failure The...

05 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty: agency poll shows doubt over Johnson honouring pledge

A survey undertaken for estate agency Jackson-Stops reveals that 55 per cent of people do not believe housing is a priority...

04 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour’s housing energy efficiency plan to cost £60 billion

A Labour proposal to dramatically improve energy efficiency in almost every British home would cost an estimated £60 billion. The upgrades would...

04 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Election 2019: what agents should expect from the main parties

It’s on - although judging by the early lack of enthusiasm amongst the British public, you might be forgiven for thinking...

01 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Tories give housing a major role at party conference next week

The Conservative Party conference agenda, now published, gives the housing issue several bites of the cherry in Manchester next week. Housing minister...

24 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Party Conferences: what agents should look out for

If you thought - perhaps hoped - that five weeks of prorogued Parliament meant a break from politics, think again: the...

14 September 2019

From: Features

Agent stands up for industry as MPs squabble over Brexit and election

A leading London estate agent has written to The Times dismissing MPs who have been squabbling over Brexit and a possible...

04 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Treat Johnson’s stamp duty promises with caution, say top agents

One of the country’s most respected agents has advised the agency industry to treat Boris Johnson’s pledges with real caution. Black Brick buying...

24 July 2019

From: Breaking News

What now for the agency industry as Boris Johnson takes over?

Our own industry’s upheaval over recent years has been no less dramatic than the turmoil at Westminster. The political earthquake has seen...

23 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Boris Johnson considers asking SELLERS to pay stamp duty

Conservative Party leadership contender Boris Johnson has expressed an interest in switching the stamp duty burden from buyers to sellers. Until now Johnson’s comments on...

16 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Blond ambition - Does Boris Johnson have any housing policies?

Britain lives in fundamentalist black-and-white times - all the more surprising when the country's most divisive point of contention sits on...

22 June 2019

From: Features

There’s never been a better time for property to rise above politics

Four years ago, as we approached the general election, Andrews Property Group held a roundtable debateon the impact the election might have...

08 June 2019

From: Features

Shock decision by housing minister Malthouse: “I want to be PM”

In a surprising announcement overnight, housing minister Kit Malthouse says he is standing to become the Conservative party leader and next...

28 May 2019

From: Breaking News

What would a Corbyn government mean for sales and lettings?

While media attention has been on Theresa May, Brexit and the Tories, chatter in the agency industry has been about what...

25 May 2019

From: Features

Slash stamp duty and scrap CGT on buy to let sales, says top Tory

An ex-housing minister and ex-Brexit secretary says he wants to radically change taxes on buy to let capital appreciation to help...

16 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Shelter and Generation Rent? Radical? Don’t make me laugh…

Campaigning groups like Generation Rent and Shelter like to think they are simultaneously edgy and radical; likewise some think tanks believe...

30 March 2019

From: Features

Labour housing guru disagrees with party's breakaway MPs

Labour’s housing spokesman, John Healey, has spoken out against the split in the party which has so far seen eight MPs...

21 February 2019

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal