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KEYWORD "Green Belt" - 61 RESULTS
Can we build 370,000 homes a year?

The new Labour government has committed to building 370,000 homes per year, but is it realistic? The housing crisis in the UK...

24 August 2024

From: Features

New Homes Boost for Labour as developers backs local targets

Some 74% of developers believe that the government setting targets for councils would be the key to unlocking planning issues faced...

06 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Cautious welcome for Raynor’s radical planning shake-up

We welcome the thrust of the Deputy Prime Minister’s announcement this week on planning reform.  In particular, we support the return of...

03 August 2024

From: Features

Data is the key to unlocking the grey area around grey belt

SINCE the new Labour government was elected in early July, one phrase has been circulating more than any – grey belt....

03 August 2024

From: Features

Rethinking the Green Belt

Throughout the general election campaign, the Green Belt was central to the debate about the housing crisis. The new Labour government...

03 August 2024

From: Features

Housing Secretary unveils planning reforms to boost property market

All councils in England will be given new, mandatory housebuilding targets under planning reforms unveiled by the Government yesterday. Deputy Prime Minister...

31 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Small can be beautiful for housing growth

A recent appeal decision which allowed housing development on the Hertfordshire Green Belt highlights the need for greater flexibility on locational...

27 July 2024

From: Features

The new government, planning policy and challenges ahead

The Chancellor’s plans to ‘get Britain building again’ are very significant for the property sector and property investment, specifically.  The plans...

20 July 2024

From: Features

King’s Speech: what policy policies will new government reveal?

The new Labour Government will set out its legislative agenda today with the King’s Speech set to reveal its policy priorities. Agents...

17 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Government urged to avoid ‘one size fits all’ planning policy

Reforms to the UK’s planning system must move from a one size fits all approach to boost development, the Government has...

16 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Tory Housing Policies Miss Out On Poll Position

You have to wonder who is advising Rishi Sunak these days. Months ago, Silverstone must have seemed a terrific venue to hold...

15 June 2024

From: Features

London's brownfield sites could house nearly 0.5m new homes

New research reveals nearly half a million homes could be built across London on land that currently lies derelict amid a...

15 June 2024

From: Features

Agents’ Verdict - We Need More Details in Labour Manifesto

There’s been a broadly warm response from much of the property industry to Labour’s manifesto, but a call for more detail...

14 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Industry Views - Labour Agrees New Housing Policies

You may not have realised, but yesterday, the new government’s housing policy was agreed. No, I’m not talking about the new ‘Freedom...

08 June 2024

From: Features

Industry Views - The Housing Battleground for General Election 2024

So we’ve been sent the ‘Save The Date’ card - it’s July 4. Now all we need is the invitation to the...

25 May 2024

From: Features

IMF backs health of UK economy but calls for release of green belt land

Hopes of an interest rate cut have been raised after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) suggested the UK economy is recovering faster...

22 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Labour unveils plans for new towns

The Labour Party has committed to building 1.5m new homes across the country over the next parliament. Shadow Housing Secretary Angela Rayner...

22 May 2024

From: Breaking News

The Simple Solution to Addressing the Housing Shortage

There’s a very important first step that needs to be taken in resolving the housing crisis: we need a greater understanding...

11 May 2024

From: Features

Labour - The Housing Policies Coming Our Way Soon

You don’t have to be a mind-reader to believe there will be a large majority Labour government by the end of...

04 May 2024

From: Features

Green Belt and Labour - broad industry support for new approach

There’s been broad support from within the agency and wider property sectors for Labour’s proposal to build on selected parts of...

22 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Guarded support for Labour's 'grey belt' plans

Keir Starmer set out Labour’s policy for housebuilding this week and targeted ‘ugly’ parts of the Green Belt. It will be a...

20 April 2024

From: Features

The NPPF, 'Beauty' and 'Gentle Density'

Both 'beauty' and ‘gentle density’ are central themes of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).. The notes which accompany the NPPF state...

23 March 2024

From: Features

Housebuilders back Labour to get Britain building

Housebuilders have indicated that they would prefer a Labour government is formed after the next General Election. The latest Land Index and...

30 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Will housing be a major battleground in the 2024 general election?

After months of negative messaging and anti-development sentiment, espoused both nationally by the Government, and locally during May’s local election campaigning,...

13 January 2024

From: Features

Will cities see an urban renaissance through 'gentle density'

The debate over the Green Belt, and the newly branded ‘grey belt’, has made the headlines a lot recently and will...

30 December 2023

From: Features

New developments look set to catch election fever

Landowners seeking to sell their land for development will have to adjust their expectations as the market, the planning system and...

30 December 2023

From: Features

Housing Secretary: We (still) need to do more on home ownership

More families need a home they can call their own, the Housing Secretary Michael Gove has claimed. Speaking at the Tory Party...

04 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Party Time - housing policies from Labour, Tories and the rest

And suddenly it’s autumn. It’s just six weeks before the clocks change, days are getting shorter and - the real sign...

09 September 2023

From: Features

Why we need a reasoned approach to Green Belt release

Keir Starmer’s announcement about building on the Green Belt attracted some contentious headlines. It immediately thrust housing and planning into the...

26 August 2023

From: Features

Will housing be a major battleground in the 2024 general election?

After months of negative messaging and anti-development sentiment, espoused both nationally by the Government, and locally during recent local election campaigning,...

19 August 2023

From: Features

The land industry must separate itself from politics

The process from a Local Plan allocation to a digger on site typically stretches beyond the length of a five-year political...

12 August 2023

From: Features

Jonathan Rolande: Are bungalows the answer to the housing crisis?

It has been another busy week in the property sector.  In his latest column, property commentator Jonathan Rolande, provides his take on...

19 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour leader vows to ‘back builders not blockers’ in new housing pledge

Labour leader Keir Starmer took to the airwaves yesterday, promising to "back the builders not blockers" when it comes to homeownership. Speaking...

18 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Property Natter - 2023? Keep calm and carry on

Happy New Year, to you all. Now that we’re all back in harness and Christmas feels like a long-distant memory, I...

14 January 2023

From: Features

Fact checkers slam new PM’s claims of ‘record housebuilding’

Rishi Sunak may have been Prime Minister for under a week but he has already received the Full Fact treatment. Speaking at...

02 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Housing Under Rishi - don’t expect much (but be grateful for that)

And…breathe. For a while back there, the only certainty for the housing market was uncertainty. That isn’t to say the election of Rishi...

29 October 2022

From: Features

Opinion - government mortgage plan could mean more inherited debt

There’s talk of 50-year mortgages being introduced, loans that, along with the property they finance, could be passed to the next...

09 July 2022

From: Features

People want new homes - but not just anywhere

Almost 77 per cent of people think the government must build more homes - but if that means reclassifying Green Belt...

23 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Big Tory win: but agents warn over Stamp Duty and Section 21

It’s a substantial Tory government for the next five years: what does this mean for estate agents, property and the market? We have...

13 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Election 2019: what agents should expect from the main parties

It’s on - although judging by the early lack of enthusiasm amongst the British public, you might be forgiven for thinking...

01 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Tories set to allow more homes through relaxed planning laws

Briefings from the Conservative Party to The Sun newspaper suggest that the party will this week announce further relaxation in planning...

30 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Missing Links: London's golf courses have land to house a million people

It’s bizarre but true (apparently). London’s golf courses could provide the land for homes that could house a million people. An interesting...

19 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Blond ambition - Does Boris Johnson have any housing policies?

Britain lives in fundamentalist black-and-white times - all the more surprising when the country's most divisive point of contention sits on...

22 June 2019

From: Features

Brexiteer agent scolds 'Maybot' over stamp duty threat to foreign buyers

One of London’s highest profile and most outspoken estate agent chiefs has scolded ‘Maybot’ Theresa May on the day she is to...

03 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Forget narrow demands - Work together for more homes

Any day now we’ll hear the date for the Autumn Budget: it may be delayed to wait for a Brexit deal...

15 September 2018

From: Features

Top agent urges existing owners to be 'more accepting' of new homes

Estate agency Jackson-Stops says it has discovered precisely how many existing home owners understand the difficulties facing first time buyers in...

16 March 2018

From: Breaking News

Call for auto-enrolment to help first time buyers save for deposits

Employers and government should introduce auto-enrolment of monthly salaries to allow people aged 18 to 40 to save for deposits on...

17 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Government to hold housing summit tomorrow as it scrambles for ideas

It has been revealed that the beleaguered government of Theresa May is to hold a summit at 10 Downing Street tomorrow...

16 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Agency urges Tories to implement housing white paper policies

A regional estate agency has urged the Government and the new housing minister to implement the policies outlined in the housing...

15 June 2017

From: Breaking News

General election 2017: Facing the UK’s housing crisis

Theresa May’s call for a snap general election on June 8 took many by surprise. But estate agents have been broadly...

03 June 2017

From: Features

Agents critical of White Paper squandered opportunity

The government’s attitude of “Nanny knows best” has “squandered another opportunity” to make a real difference to the housing crisis, according...

08 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Here are all 29 key points in the Housing White Paper

The government has set out 29 key points in its Housing White Paper.   Introducing it in the Commons this afternoon, Communities Secretery Sajid...

07 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Housing White Paper - what to expect from today's release

A series of leaks to national newspapers and a flurry of broadcast interviews by housing minister Gavin Barwell means we already know...

07 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Let’s take the higher ground on foreign workers and buyers

Some of this week’s headlines - ‘Firms must list foreign workers’ and ‘NHS to no longer rely on foreign doctors’ -...

07 October 2016

From: Features

Government pledges substantial house building ideas by Christmas

The government has signalled that it is going to publish a housing White Paper later this year with “significant measures” to...

04 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Building on green belt is now 'inevitable', says land agent

An agency specialising in land and planning claims that campaigners in favour of maintaining the green belt must accept that some...

27 September 2016

From: Breaking News

London mayoral election: A referendum on housing

The race to replace London Mayor Boris Johnson has entered its final few days, and like never before, housing is the...

29 April 2016

From: Features

Countrywide sets housing challenges for London mayoral candidates

Countrywide has taken the unusual step, for an estate agency group, of stepping into next year’s London mayoral election by setting...

22 December 2015

From: Breaking News

Green Belt new home building levels halve in 20 years

New research from Countrywide reveals the homes built on the Green Belt surrounding towns and cities over the last 20 years...

16 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Corbyn will end Right To Buy and keep Green Belt

Labour leadership front-runner Jeremy Corbyn says he would vote for a complete end to all forms of Right To Buy and...

06 August 2015

From: Breaking News

Could cross-party support solve supply conundrum?

Given that I wrote my last article on the day of the General Election but well before the result was known,...

19 June 2015

From: Features

MovePal MovePal MovePal