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KEYWORD "Green Homes" - 18 RESULTS
Are agents making the most of eco-features to achieve sales targets?

Now that a new government has been elected and interest rates appear to be on their way down, many buyers who...

10 August 2024

From: Features

Potential ticking time bomb for retrofit complaints awaits

The term ‘time bomb’ is sometimes overly used in the housing market, and while it has been linked to many things...

06 April 2024

From: Features

UK watching as EU house prices respond to green measures

While our own Government continues to tentatively encourage homeowners to carry out energy-efficient measures, they will no doubt be eagerly watching...

27 January 2024

From: Features

Government ‘failing’ home sellers over spray foam insulation issues

The Government is not taking any responsibility for the thousands of people that have had spray foam installed by Green Homes...

16 May 2023

From: Breaking News

The Energy Performance Certificate – is it here to stay?

The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is the direct result of European Legislation. They were introduced because of the Energy Performance of...

30 January 2023

From: Sponsored Content

Are new EPC regulations viable for landlords in the current climate?

In this feature, Jonathan Daines looks at how landlords can do their bit to make the rental market greener. Global leaders have...

19 November 2022

From: Features

Green premium – Santander study shows buyers will pay for energy efficiency

A green premium based on energy efficiency is emerging in the UK’s property market, according to a new report by high-street...

12 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Cost of living – most buyers now consider energy consumption before buying

Research by property firm Savills has revealed that a large majority (77%) of buyers say that the potential energy consumption of...

12 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Dear New Prime Minister - here's your housing to-do list

We are only a fortnight away from having a new Prime Minister, following a contest in which housing has played a...

20 August 2022

From: Features

Eco properties – time running out to grab tickets for first-ever Green Home Festival

With green issues on the agenda more than ever, homeowners wanting to learn more about making their homes more eco-friendly have...

03 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Budget: Details of business rate changes and new development tax

The Budget has proven more generous than many expected - and with most property taxation left unchanged. Chancellor Rishi Sunak has made...

27 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Natter – how can estate agents improve their green credentials?

As we motor towards the next major global climate change conference – the UN’s COP26 being held in Glasgow from 31...

25 September 2021

From: Features

Revealed - What Agents Should Watch For This Autumn

I’m sorry to break this to you but in 10 days’ time it will be autumn - and we will have...

21 August 2021

From: Features

EPC figure show new build homes more energy efficient says Jenrick

The number of Energy Performance Certificates issued for new build homes in England rose 16 per cent in the year to...

03 August 2021

From: Breaking News

The end of EPCs? Government told to scrap ‘outdated’ scheme

Energy Performance Certificates ought to be scrapped because they are outdated and not fit for purpose. That’s the view of an influential...

22 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Latest legislation – how can agents and landlords be compliant?

In recent years, the extent and role of the private rented sector (PRS) in the housing market has seen significant changes. The...

24 October 2020

From: Features

Property Natter - homes of the future

During our school days, most of us did that task where we imagined and drew the homes of the future, but...

04 May 2019

From: Features

Property Natter: an eco-friendly approach and the importance of GDPR

In recent years January has become the month of detoxes, fad diets, health kicks such as Dry January and Veganuary, and...

27 January 2018

From: Features

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