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KEYWORD "Housing Shortage" - 91 RESULTS
550,000 homes needed per year to fix housing shortage - report

More than half a million homes need to be built by 2031 to clear the current supply backlog. Research from property consultancy...

24 June 2024

From: Breaking News

London's brownfield sites could house nearly 0.5m new homes

New research reveals nearly half a million homes could be built across London on land that currently lies derelict amid a...

15 June 2024

From: Features

The Simple Solution to Addressing the Housing Shortage

There’s a very important first step that needs to be taken in resolving the housing crisis: we need a greater understanding...

11 May 2024

From: Features

A Property Tale For Our Times - and it doesn't end well

If you want to hear of a tale for our industry’s times - featuring housing shortages, planning disputes, rampant  inflation and...

23 March 2024

From: Features

The impact of abolishing Multiple Dwellings Relief on Housing

Today, I am reflecting on the Chancellor’s surprise Spring budget decision to abolish multiple dwellings relief for Stamp Duty Land Tax...

16 March 2024

From: Features

Redefining retirement living: is the rental model the answer?

Britain is in the midst of a senior living housing crisis – according to CBRE, an undersupply of 614,000 mid-market senior...

17 February 2024

From: Features

Government urged to look beyond ‘vocal NIMBY minority’ to boost housebuilding

The majority of the British public believe the Government is responsible for fixing the country’s housing shortage but few believe that...

22 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill

Introduced to Parliament in May, the Renters (Reform) Bill seeks to improve the private rental sector for both tenants and landlords....

15 September 2023

From: Sponsored Content

Could stricter regulation mean higher fees? A marketer explains….

I'll start with a confession. I am not an estate agent - I'm a marketer. But since I joined the industry...

09 September 2023

From: Features

The nuances of mortgage lending and the role of the valuer

In simple terms, as you are probably aware, ‘lenders’ are the organisations who loan you something, in this case money to...

17 May 2023

From: Sponsored Content

Property Natter - 2023? Keep calm and carry on

Happy New Year, to you all. Now that we’re all back in harness and Christmas feels like a long-distant memory, I...

14 January 2023

From: Features

2023 - this is what’s going to happen

Is it really just a year ago that we were nervously wondering whether yet another Christmas would be Covid-affected? Little did we...

10 December 2022

From: Features

Leading law firm calls for 'revolving door' of housing ministers to be closed

The government is being urged to close the "revolving doors" of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to...

12 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Building society ‘overstepping the mark’ by not lending to second home owners

Late last week, Leeds Building Society announced that it would no longer lend on second homes to concentrate on first-time buyers...

02 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Extending Right to Buy won’t fix the housing shortage

Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently announced that he is considering extending Margaret Thatcher’s Right-to-Buy scheme, that gives council tenants the chance to...

14 May 2022

From: Features

How to attract high-value landlords using a data-driven approach

A shift is occurring in the rental market across the UK. The Government is planning to reform the sector with increased...

16 March 2022

From: Features

Affordability is the issue of the rent control argument

The hot topic of rent controls has remerged in recent weeks, with passionate voices on both sides of the argument speaking...

02 March 2022

From: Features

Rent Controls - It’s Back To The Future

Few political policies have such a ring of the past as rent controls - they were last seen in this country...

04 September 2021

From: Features

The Holiday Home Debate - Don’t Let Politicians Get Away With It

At first sight it’s a tough ask to defend holiday homes when there’s evidence that many who want to buy can’t,...

10 July 2021

From: Features

Prince Philip: how the property landscape changed during his century

For many, the funeral of HRH Prince Philip will be a solemn affair, while for some it will also be a...

17 April 2021

From: Features

Agency attacked by Lib Dem for selling holiday homes

An estate agency is being criticised for marketing properties as second homes in an area reportedly suffering a housing shortage. Local media...

12 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Property tax rises and falling house prices coming in 2021

Property tax rises and falling house prices look as if they are on the way according to the small print accompanying...

26 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Landlords - shout louder about the good you’re doing!

We all know what the problem is, but what’s the solution? The problem is that landlords, thinking they offer a valuable service...

03 October 2020

From: Features

How one country’s housing market is reacting to the virus

The extraordinary past week of anger over portals’ fees plus early-warning statements like that from Foxtons indicate the anxiety in the...

21 March 2020

From: Features

Short lets - should there be selective bans?

There’s something of a conspiracy of silence over the problem of short lets. That is a stark claim but many siren voices...

22 February 2020

From: Features

Missing Links: London's golf courses have land to house a million people

It’s bizarre but true (apparently). London’s golf courses could provide the land for homes that could house a million people. An interesting...

19 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Help To Buy housebuilders get another government bung

It’s been quite a week for news so you might have missed this story - there is yet another boost for...

31 August 2019

From: Features

Shelter and Generation Rent? Radical? Don’t make me laugh…

Campaigning groups like Generation Rent and Shelter like to think they are simultaneously edgy and radical; likewise some think tanks believe...

30 March 2019

From: Features

Agency warns: high house prices and housing shortage hurting business

Strutt & Parker says the housing crisis - in the shape of too few homes and their stubbornly high prices -...

05 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Data is a conversation starter (really!)

Rather like doctors, estate agents are present at critical points in our lives – moving in together, bidding farewell to a...

07 November 2018

From: Features

Budget briefing - Seven things to watch for today

Perhaps it’s been our pre-occupation with Brexit, or on the other hand maybe we’re bored with politics, but this year’s Budget...

27 October 2018

From: Features

We need to wake up before we sleepwalk into a housing crisis

It’s now almost a month since the government introduced new rules on Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO), as part of its...

27 October 2018

From: Features

Forget narrow demands - Work together for more homes

Any day now we’ll hear the date for the Autumn Budget: it may be delayed to wait for a Brexit deal...

15 September 2018

From: Features

Should equity release be taxed to encourage down-sizing?

There’s little doubt that downsizing is less of a factor in the housing market than it used to be - so...

25 August 2018

From: Features

Agents Do Charity - and there's no let up as the  heatwave breaks...

With the weather scheduled to get a little cooler this weekend, fund-raising is clearly still a hot topic in the industry...

27 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Three-year tenancies will have biggest impact when things go wrong

Amid the headline-grabbing political manoeuvring over Brexit, a policy proposal which could have serious ramifications for private landlords, and those who...

14 July 2018

From: Features

PropTech Today: Corporate living? No thanks

The pace of change is extraordinary. As we reach the middle of one conversation, rumblings of the next already begin. I think...

13 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Are cultural stereotypes damaging the UK property sector?

100 years ago, 90% of the UK population rented a home. Today, that figure has flipped, and over two thirds are...

26 May 2018

From: Features

What next for property in 2018?

What a year it’s been! Back in 2016 we had Brexit, a new prime minister, Donald Trump’s election, and so when...

30 December 2017

From: Features

Senior Tory wants 50% of new London homes reserved for Britons

Chris Philp, a Conservative MP and Parliamentary Private Secretary to Chancellor Phillip Hammond, says 50 per cent of new homes in...

18 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Foreigners banned from buying homes: could it happen here too?

New Zealand’s new Labour prime minister elect has banned non-resident foreigners from buying existing homes anywhere in the country in a...

26 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Government to hold housing summit tomorrow as it scrambles for ideas

It has been revealed that the beleaguered government of Theresa May is to hold a summit at 10 Downing Street tomorrow...

16 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Back To The Future: a short history of rent controls

Like many of Labour’s recent policy proposals, its call for rent controls leaves more questions than answers.  There has been widespread criticism...

07 October 2017

From: Features

PropTech Today: Google building homes - another act of ultra-diversification

It was only a couple of weeks ago that I was writing about the Google City, in Toronto, and now the...

21 June 2017

From: Breaking News

Housing industry reacts to shock general election result

The housing industry has responded with shock, joy, and jitters, after Theresa May’s snap general election went catastrophically wrong, leaving her...

10 June 2017

From: Features

General election 2017: Facing the UK’s housing crisis

Theresa May’s call for a snap general election on June 8 took many by surprise. But estate agents have been broadly...

03 June 2017

From: Features

Brexit: Housing must not be ignored in the clamour

We’re almost nine months on from the EU Referendum and yet the issue remains the big divide across the nation: an...

18 March 2017

From: Features

Portillo attacks Tory government over owner-occupier 'freefall'

Former Conservative minister Michael Portillo has made an outspoken attack on his former party over its switch of housing policy emphasis from...

10 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Housing shortage 'forces councils to spend £2m a day on B&Bs'

A chronic shortage of affordable housing is forcing councils to spend more than £2m a day on temporary accommodation for homeless...

06 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Budget 2017 wishlist: Expectations from the property sector

Looking ahead to the Spring Budget this week, the Chancellor Philip Hammond will be obliged to face up to the implications...

04 March 2017

From: Features

Housing minister tells agents: 'no quick fix' for homes shortage

Housing minister Gavin Barwell has told the NAEA conference that there is no quick fix for the country’s housing shortage -...

10 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Tory ex-housing minister says White Paper isn't bold enough

Grant Shapps, housing minister between 2010 and 2012, has said the measures in the current government’s White Paper are not bold...

09 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: why people crave instant gratification

Instant gratification is nothing new. It’s been around for millennia. It’s an in-built survival instinct for humans – that want, that...

28 January 2017

From: Features

House prices in the East head north on demand from the South

The East of England, which takes in areas from Hertfordshire to Norfolk, has recorded the biggest hike in property prices over...

28 January 2017

From: Features

Another agency selected to join new homes network

Sawyer & Co., an agency operating sales and lettings in Brighton and Hove, is the latest firm to be chosen to...

23 January 2017

From: Breaking News

Experts give sceptical welcome to government new homes pledge

The government’s blizzard of New Year announcements about new homes has received a distinctly frosty welcome from many within the property...

04 January 2017

From: Breaking News

House prices could rise 4% in 2017 but transactions will drop - Halifax

The Halifax says house prices across the UK will rise between 1.0 and 4.0 per cent in the next 12 months...

29 December 2016

From: Breaking News

What next for property in 2017?

Following a strong start to 2016, particularly in the lower to middle range of the UK housing market, that lasted up...

17 December 2016

From: Features

Autumn Statement: The property industry's wish list for Philip Hammond

It may still be too early to start compiling a Christmas wish list, but it is the right time to provide...

19 November 2016

From: Features

University claims top house builders enjoying soaring profits

A university claims house builders are securing “soaring profits” despite the worsening housing shortage across the country.  Research by Sheffield Hallam's Centre...

17 November 2016

From: Breaking News

If over-65s downsized 'extra 4.2m homes could be made available'

The over-65s could help ease the housing shortage by downsizing and ultimately lead to an extra 4.2 million homes on the...

28 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Ye cannae change the laws of physics

It is a tedious fact, but the housing market is underpinned by economic fundamentals. This won’t be a surprise.  However, at a...

14 October 2016

From: Features

Let’s take the higher ground on foreign workers and buyers

Some of this week’s headlines - ‘Firms must list foreign workers’ and ‘NHS to no longer rely on foreign doctors’ -...

07 October 2016

From: Features

Yo! Trendy new apartments are to be 'fold-down, slide-out, drop-down'

A 24-unit block of apartments designed by the company behind the Yo! Sushi chain has been given consent to be constructed...

07 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Government pledges substantial house building ideas by Christmas

The government has signalled that it is going to publish a housing White Paper later this year with “significant measures” to...

04 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Government's housebuilding figures are flawed, says HBF

The government's most publicised measure of housebuilding excludes around a fifth of all new build completions each year, according to a...

22 September 2016

From: Breaking News

Housing must remain top of the government’s agenda

With the number of new homes being built across the UK still significantly below the level needed to meet demand, housebuilders...

16 September 2016

From: Features

Is buy-to-let investing still a safe bet?

The huge rush to acquire buy-to-let property in the first quarter of the year ahead of the stamp duty change deadline...

09 September 2016

From: Features

Bricks and Brexit will worsen housing shortage, warns NAEA

The National Association of Estate Agents says a huge shortage of bricks and the possible consequences of Brexit are two reasons...

25 August 2016

From: Breaking News

What has been the Brexit impact on the housing market so far?

The morning after the EU referendum, and Westminster, Britain, Europe and the world were left in shock at the news that...

05 August 2016

From: Features

Look what Labour’s Owen Smith has done to me

Older readers may recall a terrific movie called Network where a character, disillusioned by life, shouts from a window: “I’m as...

29 July 2016

From: Features

Housing shortage will continue to drive up UK prices

Property prices were at the forefront of the EU debate in the run-up to the referendum, with the now former Chancellor...

22 July 2016

From: Features

Sheffield is primed for growth: explains why Chinese will invest £1bn

Sheffield in South Yorkshire, which was once one of the leading industrial cities in Britain and is still recognised for its...

22 July 2016

From: Features

MIRAS: Could Theresa May go back to the future?

I’m indebted to one of the most enthusiastic estate agents I’ve had the pleasure of meeting for suggesting the subject of...

15 July 2016

From: Features

What will happen to the housing market if Britain leaves the EU?

The sense of gathering momentum for the Leave campaign ahead of the upcoming EU referendum is causing high levels of uncertainty...

17 June 2016

From: Features

The rise of an increasingly unpredictable market

Property has long been a safe investment. Before the downturn in 2008, sellers were able to gain a healthy capital return.  Post-economic...

25 March 2016

From: Features

Housing reviews: A little less conversation, a little more action...

As we all know, Peter Redfern is critical to the future of the British housing market and.... What? Wait? You don’t know...

13 February 2016

From: Features

Stamp duty and buy to let tax changes: Readers' views put to David Cameron

In January readers of Estate Agent Today and Letting Agent Today were given the opportunity to give their views on proposed...

25 January 2016

From: Features

Build To Rent – What we learn from Germany and the US

I make no apologies for returning to Build To Rent, the institutional investment in building and managing blocks of flats to...

13 November 2015

From: Features

Planners join industry voices demanding more homes - and soon

The Town and Country Planning Association has plunged itself into the debate over Britain’s housing, saying that younger people unable to...

05 November 2015

From: Breaking News

Incentives to downsize could boost market and help solve homes shortage  - RICS

More downsizing could release almost three million homes into the market according to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Its latest policy...

24 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Corbyn elevates housing to full shadow cabinet status

John Healey - a former housing minister from when Tony Blair was prime minister - has taken the housing post under...

15 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Strong government support for foreign property investors

Housing minister has Brandon Lewis has thrown his weight behind the right of foreign investors to purchase buy to let properties,...

18 August 2015

From: Breaking News

Housing crisis worsened by bricks and labour shortage

Statistics have been published to suggest that much of Britain’s housing crisis is down to a shortage of skilled labour and...

18 August 2015

From: Breaking News

Agency figures make last-gasp pleas to Osborne

Estate and letting agents and other figures in the property industry have been making their last-minute calls on Chancellor George Osborne...

08 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Government housing action plan coming this week

The government says it will publish an action plan this week to explain how it is going to implement some of...

06 July 2015

From: Breaking News

‘One million recruits needed to beat housing crisis’

One million people will need to be recruited by 2020 if the housebuilding industry is to build the number of homes...

08 June 2015

From: Breaking News

Rightmove insists there will be post-election bounce

With some agents squabbling about whether there has been or will be a post-election bounce, Rightmove has come down firmly insisting...

18 May 2015

From: Breaking News

Letter from the Publisher: Are brownfield sites the solution to the UK’s housing shortage?

There has been much debate in recent years about Britain’s desperate need for more housing stock. Demand has been outstripping supply...

15 May 2015

From: Features

The spotlight on our sector will not diminish, despite the result of the election

I write this article on the day of the General Election so you’ll forgive the political analogies. In particular, how any...

08 May 2015

From: Features

Letter from the Publisher – What are the challenger parties saying about housing?

With another hung parliament looking increasingly likely, the so-called ‘challenger parties’ look set to have a major say in who forms...

23 April 2015

From: Features

MovePal MovePal MovePal