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KEYWORD "Moverly" - 18 RESULTS
UK ranks as the slowest home moving market - research

The UK has the slowest home moving timeline among 12 global nations, research suggests. Upfront information provider Moverly has analysed the average...

20 August 2024

From: Breaking News

PropTech Today: Industry collaboration to speed up home sales

A cross-industry collaboration aims to showcase how working horizontally across key stages of the home-buying and selling journey can positively impact...

14 August 2024

From: Breaking News

PropTech platform now claims 16 integrations

Software platform Alto Marketplace says it now has no fewer than 16 integrations across 13 categories including anti-money laundering, buyer onboarding...

08 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Moverly connects with Reapit to boost material information

Moverly’s upfront information services have been integrated with technology platform Reapit.  Agents using Reapit can now access Moverly's comprehensive material information solution,...

24 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Material Information could prevent agents losing £357.4m a year – claim

Proper implementation of material Information across the estate agency sector could reduce the amount of lost or delayed commission due to...

16 July 2024

From: Breaking News

More Upfront Material Information could cut viewings, save fall-throughs - claim

A survey of over 11,000 buyers suggests overwhelming support for more upfront information to be supplied by agents to buyers. Disclosing upfront...

25 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Moverly integrates with Alto on material information tools

Proptech firm Moverly has partnered with Zoopla-backed Alto to intergrate its material information tools into the CRM. Upfront information platform Moverly said...

05 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Auction house market is booming – but for how long?

The size of the UK property auction house market hit the highest point in a decade in 2022, approaching half a...

10 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Revealed! The property pockets defying cooling house prices

House prices may be cooling but some local markets are actually heating up with property values increasing by up to 10%,...

27 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Market is cooling but buyers are more committed – claim

Cooling market conditions and the higher cost of borrowing have resulted in one property market silver lining, Moverly claims. The upfront information...

24 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Sellers willing to pay £1,000 for upfront information to speed sales - claim

Almost two-thirds of home sellers who have sold a home within the past year experienced delays when doing so, research reveals. A...

07 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Sellers head to auction houses to combat cooling market - claim

Increasing numbers of sellers are turning to auction rooms to combat the cooling housing market conditions, research suggests. Upfront information provider Moverly...

29 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Estate agents lost £1.27bn in fees from fall-throughs in 2022 - research

Fall throughs are estimated to have cost UK estate agents £1.27bn in 2022, new research suggest. Upfront information provider Moverly looked at...

20 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Size Matters - UK homes amongst world’s smallest but most expensive

New research shows that while the UK homebuyers are paying far more than those in many other countries, the properties they...

31 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Latest Property Data Trust Framework goes live

The Home Buying & Selling Technology Group (HBSG) has launched the latest version of the Property Data Trust Framework following live...

26 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Bolton buyers facing longest wait for local authority searches

Homebuyers in Bolton are waiting as long as 21 weeks for local authority searches new research shows. Analysis by upfront information pack...

24 May 2023

From: Breaking News

UK property sales 'down by a quarter' since interest rate hikes started

Another interest rate hike could further dampen property market activity, research suggests. It comes as new analysis shows the average number of...

29 March 2023

From: Breaking News

Revealed! The homes still on the market since 2009

Agents in some parts of the UK are still struggling to sell properties that they first listed more than a decade...

22 March 2023

From: Breaking News

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