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A new approach to brownfield regeneration?

The new Labour government has pledged to prioritise a ‘brownfield first’ approach to urban planning, as part of its promise to...

17 August 2024

From: Features

Small can be beautiful for housing growth

A recent appeal decision which allowed housing development on the Hertfordshire Green Belt highlights the need for greater flexibility on locational...

27 July 2024

From: Features

The new government, planning policy and challenges ahead

The Chancellor’s plans to ‘get Britain building again’ are very significant for the property sector and property investment, specifically.  The plans...

20 July 2024

From: Features

Government urged to avoid ‘one size fits all’ planning policy

Reforms to the UK’s planning system must move from a one size fits all approach to boost development, the Government has...

16 July 2024

From: Breaking News

The NPPF, 'Beauty' and 'Gentle Density'

Both 'beauty' and ‘gentle density’ are central themes of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).. The notes which accompany the NPPF state...

23 March 2024

From: Features

Will cities see an urban renaissance through 'gentle density'

The debate over the Green Belt, and the newly branded ‘grey belt’, has made the headlines a lot recently and will...

30 December 2023

From: Features

Join the future of estate agency, today.

Estate agency has changed. No longer is it required to sit in a high street office working the old way. Provide a...

12 September 2023

From: Sponsored Content

What is ‘mixed tenure’ and why are mixed tenure developments built?

The term mixed-tenure development usually refers to residential developments where different residential tenures are provided on the same site. Typically, tenure was...

30 August 2023

From: Sponsored Content

The land industry must separate itself from politics

The process from a Local Plan allocation to a digger on site typically stretches beyond the length of a five-year political...

12 August 2023

From: Features

2021 will not hold back Agents who are prepared to adapt

With the Government announcement this week of another national lockdown across England amid the surging coronavirus infections, it once again puts...

08 January 2021

From: Sponsored Content

So farewell Theresa May and thanks for...well, not much

No, this isn’t about Brexit. But as the saga of leaving the EU is likely to bring about the downfall of...

13 April 2019

From: Features

4 Reasons Why Virtual Furnishing Really Is The Future

It seems prop-tech is exploding at a scary rate, and the latest brands are all trying to grab our attention by...

17 March 2017

From: Sponsored Content

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