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KEYWORD "Public Land" - 7 RESULTS
Councils warn agents over legality of For Sale board sites

Councils are warning agents to abide by the rules following complaints from residents and businesses about the positions of For Sale...

12 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Emoov boss tells Labour conference how to solve housing crisis

Emoov’s founder Russell Quirk has outlined how he would help Britain get out of its current housing crisis to a Labour...

24 September 2018

From: Breaking News

Budget to reveal massive housebuilding programme ... again

Another Budget, another pledge of new house building: it appears from statements made over the weekend by Chancellor Phillip Hammond that...

20 November 2017

From: Breaking News

Here are all 29 key points in the Housing White Paper

The government has set out 29 key points in its Housing White Paper.   Introducing it in the Commons this afternoon, Communities Secretery Sajid...

07 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Labour call for 50% affordable housing slapped down by developers

A suggestion that up to 50 per cent of new homes built in London should be affordable has come in for...

03 February 2016

From: Breaking News

Government to directly commission 13,000 new homes

In an unexpected announcement, the government says it will "directly commission" companies to build up to 13,000 new affordable homes on...

05 January 2016

From: Breaking News

Labour hopeful wants price-capped homes for first time buyers

David Lammy, one of six contenders for the Labour nomination for next year’s Mayor of London election, says he wants to...

02 September 2015

From: Breaking News

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