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KEYWORD "Resolution Foundation" - 23 RESULTS
Don't bother asking people to move to smaller homes, says think tank

Most households in England today are ‘under-occupying’ their homes, according to the think tank the Resolution Foundation. And it says there doesn’t...

07 August 2024

From: Breaking News

Industry Views - There will be no excuses if Labour fails on housing

It’s all over bar the voting, so let’s cut to the chase. Labour will win on July 4, big time. Even a...

29 June 2024

From: Features

Property Natter - An Englishman's home is his castle.....more or less!

Interesting report this week in Estate Agent Today on an analysis by the Resolution Foundation thinktank which suggests that the UK’s...

30 March 2024

From: Features

'Paying more for less' – report reveals state of UK housing

The UK’s housing stock offers the worst value for money of any advanced economy, new research suggests. Analysis by the Resolution Foundation...

26 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Shadow Chancellor slammed for mortgage costs claim

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves has been criticised for figures she used when highlighting how much mortgage borrowers are set to see...

04 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Rising mortgage rates are worse than 2p tax hike - claim

The hit to the economy from soaring mortgage rates will be equivalent to a 2p income tax hike, new analysis by...

27 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Mortgage bills set to rise by £3,000 – warning

Homeowners face paying an extra £3,000 for their mortgage next year, new research suggests. Analysis from the Resolution Foundation thintank suggests that...

19 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Capital Gains Tax on ALL homes - government told to act

A new report wants the government to consider slapping Capital Gains Tax on profits made from appreciating house values for all...

09 December 2021

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty Holiday did NOT cause market frenzy - claim

An unexpected claim was made over the weekend - that the long-running stamp duty holiday was not, after all, behind the...

23 August 2021

From: Breaking News

The post-Covid outlook: what next for the lettings market?

Our long-awaited ‘Freedom Day’ approaches. From Monday all of the restrictions, introduced since the Covid-19 pandemic made an impact across the...

17 July 2021

From: Features

Wealthy home owners benefit most from pandemic economic fallout

The Covid-19 crisis has been marked by so-called high-wealth households amassing savings and benefitting from rising house prices far more than...

14 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Home ownership ‘cause of inter-generational strife’ - claim

The distribution of home ownership across different generations has been a cause of strife according to a think-tank. The Resolution Foundation’s latest...

29 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Urban Flight - move to rural homes only for well off, says think tank

A think tank claims that ‘urban flight’ - when people leave cities and head for towns and villages - is merely a...

04 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Good News: Negative equity threat “far lower” than after 2008 recession

There’s good news from the think-tank the Resolution Foundation, which says the threat of negative equity because of the Coronavirus crisis...

02 September 2020

From: Breaking News

First time buyers lose out whatever happens to house prices - claim

Many young people are stuck unable to purchase their first home even if house prices fall in the wake of the...

13 August 2020

From: Breaking News

One in 10 Britons has a second home, buy to let or overseas property

Some 10 per cent of Britons now own a second home, a buy to let or an overseas property according to...

17 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Shelter and Generation Rent? Radical? Don’t make me laugh…

Campaigning groups like Generation Rent and Shelter like to think they are simultaneously edgy and radical; likewise some think tanks believe...

30 March 2019

From: Features

First time buyers have it easy if they have wealthy parents, says report

Young people whose parents have property wealth are now almost three times as likely to be homeowners by the age of...

06 December 2018

From: Breaking News

Are cultural stereotypes damaging the UK property sector?

100 years ago, 90% of the UK population rented a home. Today, that figure has flipped, and over two thirds are...

26 May 2018

From: Features

Most senior Tory MP yet says she's open to stamp duty reform

Nicky Morgan, a former Cabinet minister and now chair of the highly respected Commons' Treasury Select Committee, is the most senior...

15 November 2017

From: Breaking News

Tory-led body says second home owners should be penalised more

A think tank says the penalties now levied against second home owners - such as the stamp duty surcharge and phasing...

21 August 2017

From: Breaking News

Home ownership has halved for young families in parts of the UK

Home ownership has halved for young families across some parts of the UK according to a charity.  The Resolution Foundation says its...

22 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Brexit price falls may not help would-be buyers after all, says think tank

House price falls triggered by weaker economic growth and a drop in economic confidence following the EU referendum may not actually...

20 July 2016

From: Breaking News

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