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Buyers ignore most important features when viewing homes

A new analysis of buyers’ actions during viewings suggests many effectively ignore the truly important features, and are instead distracted by...

12 August 2024

From: Breaking News

How Much Will Mortgage Rate Hikes Affect the UK Housing Market?

Borrowers are currently rolling off relatively favourable two-year fixed-rate deals agreed at the start of 2022, but the pain from higher...

30 March 2024

From: Features

What is ‘mixed tenure’ and why are mixed tenure developments built?

The term mixed-tenure development usually refers to residential developments where different residential tenures are provided on the same site. Typically, tenure was...

30 August 2023

From: Sponsored Content

Why speedy transactions could be leaving the door wide open to fraudsters

In this guest piece, Colum Smith, a property expert at law firm Taylor Rose MW, sets out why speedier transactions could...

07 May 2022

From: Features

360° virtual tours vs video walk-throughs

Virtual tours are becoming an increasing necessity for agents when listing properties for sale or let. Covid has of course accelerated this...

03 November 2021

From: Features

Poor connection! A third of buyers would pull out of an offer over bad wi-fi

Picky buyers are walking away from property deals after realising the internet connection at a property is poor, research claims. A poll...

15 September 2021

From: Breaking News

City exodus: will the return to the office see a reversal of activity?

2020 gave rise to an exodus from the city as work from home became the mandated norm for large swaths of...

11 September 2021

From: Features

2021 will not hold back Agents who are prepared to adapt

With the Government announcement this week of another national lockdown across England amid the surging coronavirus infections, it once again puts...

08 January 2021

From: Sponsored Content

PropTech Today: Sometimes, people don’t want technology

A few weeks ago, I came across a couple of really interesting articles which I immediately thought worth writing a piece...

16 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Giraffe360: A New Camera Transforming Floorplans and Property Photography

It’s been a busy year for Giraffe360. Following its £1 million successful funding round in January and moving its headquarters from...

05 July 2019

From: Sponsored Content

GDPR - lawyer reveals latest changes that will affect property industry

The General Data Protection Regulation legislation coming into effect in the UK on May 25 has undergone some subtle changes which...

08 February 2018

From: Breaking News

4 Reasons Why Virtual Furnishing Really Is The Future

It seems prop-tech is exploding at a scary rate, and the latest brands are all trying to grab our attention by...

17 March 2017

From: Sponsored Content

Guarantee blue skies! Bad weather doesn’t mean bad photos when you use Doctor Photo

Annoying isn’t it. You take on a stunning property, agree a compelling asking price and your Vendor is desperate to get the...

02 February 2017

From: Sponsored Content

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