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KEYWORD "rental reform" - 47 RESULTS
Landlord property purchases hit record low

A lack of new investment rather than landlords selling-up is causing rental market supply issues, research suggests. The latest Hamptons Lettings Index...

23 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Property Natter - Why are we waiting? Delays are suffocating…

It’s so good to see housing at the top of the government’s agenda for change. Finally! The housing crisis has been met...

20 July 2024

From: Features

Digital ID could ‘transform property market’ - claim

An anti-money laundering (AML) expert has highlighted an overlooked part of this week’s King’s Speech that could boost the property market. While...

19 July 2024

From: Breaking News

King’s Speech: Labour policies back housebuilding and leasehold reform

Housebuilding, leasehold and rental reform are set to be key roles of the new Labour Government’s legislative agenda but agency regulation...

18 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Labour Government needs 'less chopping and changing' on housing

Property professionals have called for cross-party support and stability when it comes to housing policy under the new Labour Government after...

08 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Election '24 - Industry leaders call for landlord support

Heidi Shackell, chief executive officer at The Lettings Hub said: “The General Election, called in May, halted progress of the Renters'...

06 July 2024

From: Features

Every home EPC rated B or above in 10 years - party pledge

A political party is pledging that if elected it will make every home in the UK have an EPC rating of...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Industry Views - The Housing Battleground for General Election 2024

So we’ve been sent the ‘Save The Date’ card - it’s July 4. Now all we need is the invitation to the...

25 May 2024

From: Features

Tardy Renters (Reform) Bill is running against the clock

As the world marches relentlessly forward to 2024, the government’s flagship legislation for the private rented sector (PRS) remains in limbo. This...

30 December 2023

From: Features

How investing in a CRM is the best way to NTS compliance

I think we can all agree that the National Trading Standards Material Information reforms are a good thing for the property...

06 December 2023

From: Sponsored Content

Propertymark urges Labour to lead on agency regulation

The Labour Party is being urged to take the lead on estate agency regulation and help driving up standards in the...

09 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Party Time - housing policies from Labour, Tories and the rest

And suddenly it’s autumn. It’s just six weeks before the clocks change, days are getting shorter and - the real sign...

09 September 2023

From: Features

Property Natter – the five biggest property moments of 2022

As we get ever closer to 2023, this final Natter of the year is dedicated to the five biggest property moments of...

17 December 2022

From: Features

2023 - this is what’s going to happen

Is it really just a year ago that we were nervously wondering whether yet another Christmas would be Covid-affected? Little did we...

10 December 2022

From: Features

It’s never been more important to air your views on lettings

Does the lettings industry cater properly for agents' needs? There’s only one way of knowing – asking you directly. To find out...

14 November 2022

From: Sponsored Content

Q&A - meet the lettings professional doing his bit for army veterans

The property industry often gets a bad rep, despite all the work that agents and others in the sector do for...

12 November 2022

From: Features

Landlords prepare to be buy-to-let losers

Mortgage rate hikes have already halved landlord profits according to latest research, and a base rate rise to 2.5% will see...

02 November 2022

From: Features

Housing Under Rishi - don’t expect much (but be grateful for that)

And…breathe. For a while back there, the only certainty for the housing market was uncertainty. That isn’t to say the election of Rishi...

29 October 2022

From: Features

Housing Secretary set for first committee grilling by MPs

Simon Clarke is set for his first grilling by MPs as Levelling Up and Housing Secretary. Clarke will be questioned by the...

18 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Poor Liz and Kwasi. What Do They Do Now?

Who would be in the shoes of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng? I don’t mean who would like their power, pay and...

01 October 2022

From: Features

Analysis: What did Boris Johnson do for the UK property market during his 3 years as Prime Minister?

Time is up for Boris Johnson's tenure as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party, serving 3 years and 44...

17 September 2022

From: Features

Property Natter - why housing must always have a seat at the top table

First off, my own quick tribute to the Queen, who died on Thursday afternoon aged 96. Despite her age and declining...

10 September 2022

From: Features

PropTech Today - why PropTech can be a blueprint for the new PM

The results are finally in, and to no-one’s surprise Liz Truss has been named the new leader of the Conservative Party...

07 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Insight - buy-to-lets failing to beat inflation

As inflation passes the 10% mark, it’s no surprise that many landlords are hurriedly reviewing the health of their buy-to-let portfolio. You...

03 September 2022

From: Features

Dear New Prime Minister - here's your housing to-do list

We are only a fortnight away from having a new Prime Minister, following a contest in which housing has played a...

20 August 2022

From: Features

PropTech Today – PropTech shows Britain can still be a leader on the world stage

The last week has been dramatic even by the standards of UK politics, with a Cabinet and junior minister rebellion bringing...

13 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Exclusive - what makes an agency industry leader tick 

People in prominent positions in the housing industry aren’t always perfect role models. After all, Chris Pincher was housing minister for...

09 July 2022

From: Features

Why haven't politicians listened to our industry?

It’s often fashionable to criticise trade bodies and official groups, but right now I think that’s absolutely inappropriate. In well over 20...

25 June 2022

From: Features

Opinion: Fairer lettings are not a horror story

The government’s Fairer Private Rented Sector White Paper has initially caused some consternation and a strong adverse reaction from some within...

18 June 2022

From: Features

Queen’s Speech: How proposed laws may help or hinder estate agents

The Queen’s Speech has unveiled proposed overhauls on planning, consumer and economic crime laws that could all have an effect on...

10 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Property Natter – the who’s who of the industry

The property industry is fortunate in including many great people, doing great work across a range of businesses – from traditional agency...

30 April 2022

From: Features

Why Rental Reform Is Becoming More Important By The Day

It’s easy to overestimate the importance of something in one’s own industry or work, but there seems good reason for believing...

23 April 2022

From: Features

Proptech and the future of the UK’s economy and property market

Although Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement did not include many announcements regarding housing, it did provide a good...

23 April 2022

From: Features

Client money and the regulation governing it is changing

PayProp’s recent Rental Confidence Index survey polled property professionals about their biggest concerns for 2022. Unsurprisingly, new regulations were a top...

09 April 2022

From: Features

Rental reform - why it'll make inventories more important than ever 

In this weekend feature, inventory expert and chair of the AIIC, Daniel Evans, sets out why rental reform changes will make...

02 April 2022

From: Features

Boris Johnson’s Successor: what next for housing policies?

Will he stay or will he go? You don’t need me to say who ‘he’ is - it’s the only story...

22 January 2022

From: Features

Let the good times roll – PayProp predicts continued lettings strength in 2022

The lettings sector looks set to steam ahead in 2022 after a record-breaking 2021, despite the financial and mobility challenges of...

22 January 2022

From: Features

How to prepare for lettings in 2022 and beyond using PropTech

In this guest feature, James Dilgul, Head of Marketing at Fixflo, the market-leading repairs and maintenance management software provider, looks at how...

22 January 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – my predictions for the property market in 2022

As this is the first Natter back since the Christmas break, I should like to first wish all our readers a...

15 January 2022

From: Features

Property Natter – the A-Z of property for 2021 

It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas – just a week to go now. Presents all wrapped and...

18 December 2021

From: Features

Rental Sector Enforcement - time to pull our fingers out

Within weeks the focus of the industry will be on the White Paper to be issued on rental reform before Christmas. Let’s...

16 October 2021

From: Features

Former Housing Secretary dies at the age of 53

Former Housing Secretary James Brokenshire has died at the age of 53. The Conservative ex-Cabinet minister, who was diagnosed with lung cancer...

08 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Reshuffle - Gove replaces Jenrick, but will Pincher survive?

In a day of unexpected drama, Boris Johnson carried out a surprisingly brutal and widespread Cabinet reshuffle which saw a number...

16 September 2021

From: Breaking News

PropTech Today: pros and cons of a tech-led approach to compliance

The growing number of lettings sector rules is a hotly debated issue, while the sales sector has been seeing its own...

01 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Natter - will UK agents ever be seen as true professionals?

There are some parts of the world, including in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, where estate agent isn’t seen as...

28 August 2021

From: Features

General election 2019: The housing crisis remains a top issue

With Brexit still unresolved, the domestic agenda has been pushed from the headlines by the seemingly overwhelming public and political discord...

07 December 2019

From: Features

So farewell Theresa May and thanks for...well, not much

No, this isn’t about Brexit. But as the saga of leaving the EU is likely to bring about the downfall of...

13 April 2019

From: Features

MovePal MovePal MovePal