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KEYWORD "utility bills" - 30 RESULTS
What should the government do to support first time buyers?

One key point of difference in the parties’ housing policies during the recent general election campaign was that the Conservative Party...

17 August 2024

From: Features

Are agents making the most of eco-features to achieve sales targets?

Now that a new government has been elected and interest rates appear to be on their way down, many buyers who...

10 August 2024

From: Features

Buyers keen to go green but costs remain prohibitive - research

Homebuyers plan to make their homes more energy efficient in the hope of securing more favourable mortgage deals and boosting their...

05 July 2024

From: Breaking News

PropTech Today: Hospitals cyber-attack is a warning to property sector

THE news that an NHS trust was hit by a cyber-attack earlier this month naturally attracted a lot of headlines. Even though...

12 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Energy efficiency remains important to homebuyers and sellers

Buyers and sellers are still factoring energy efficiency into property valuations despite Prime Minister Rishi Sunak rolling back net-zero reforms. Analysis by...

27 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Lack of digital tools adds to stress of property purchases – claim

UK homebuyers have expressed support for more digital tools to reduce the administrative burden of purchasing a property yet few have...

29 August 2023

From: Breaking News

New figures highlight estate agents’ money laundering failings

For most people, buying a house or flat is the largest financial commitment they will ever make. Which is why many...

26 August 2023

From: Features

Agents face a 'perfect storm' for money laundering

Recent research estimated that up to £100 billion is being stolen in the UK each year, with much of it due...

22 April 2023

From: Features

Agenda-setting campaign exposes AML loopholes

SmartSearch, the UK’s leading provider of digital compliance, has published an agenda-setting whitepaper to highlight the anti-money laundering shortcomings and sanctions...

25 February 2023

From: Features

Agent launches competition to pay Essex resident’s energy bills

Estate agency brand Beresfords is offering to pay one Essex-based resident’s utility bills for one year. The family-owned independent brand has launched...

19 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Protecting your clients and your business

With the reported increase in agency staff turnover we thought it would be a good idea to look at how you...

09 November 2022

From: Features

Going digital is the answer to sector compliancy woes

If recent headlines are anything to go by, estate agents and the wider property industry are not just feeling the heavy...

15 October 2022

From: Features

Tackling energy bills ranked as top property priority for PM

Tackling the cost of utility bills has been highlighted as the top priority that new Prime Minister Liz Truss should focus...

14 September 2022

From: Breaking News

 Agents ‘wrongly’ rely on hard copy AML checks

Agents are ‘wrongly’ relying on hard copies of identity documents to verify people’s identities in anti-money laundering (AML) checks, new research...

31 August 2022

From: Breaking News

AML warning: Financial criminals targeting smaller property firms

Anti-money laundering (AML) software provider SmartSearch is warning of a rise in financial crime, particularly targeting smaller property firms. A survey of...

15 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Property firms failing to adapt AML processes despite Russian sanctions - claim

Up to 70% of property firms have not changed their approach to onboarding new customers since sanctions were imposed on Russia...

28 June 2022

From: Breaking News

The caveat emptor of buying a new house is ‘Let The Buyer Beware.’ This is especially the case for homes that have an ageing boiler.  Before...

29 October 2020

From: Sponsored Content

Major agency enhances online offer - and even includes games for the kids

Hunters has expanded its online offering to improve its service to both the sales and lettings sectors - and it’s even...

16 April 2020

From: Breaking News

Housing minister McVey is “reviled” in her local area, claims newspaper

The Liverpool Echo says housing minister Esther McVey, who was born in the city, is now ”reviled” there following comments about poor families. According...

23 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Anti-money laundering: the key myths and misconceptions

The UK property market can be seen by criminals as an effective vehicle to conceal the proceeds of economic crime. Criminally...

18 May 2019

From: Features

PropTech Today: Money for good behaviour? PropTech helping renters

Interesting news this week from South Africa where the PropTech startup, Flow, has raised R20m in the country’s 'biggest PropTech seed...

20 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Property fraud: insurance firm offers cover, as police seek help on new case

An insurance company is launching a policy which it says will protect consumers with comprehensive cover in the event of a...

04 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Vetting tenants to ensure they are all they seem

When a tenant failed to pay any rent after the first month his tenancy last year, the landlord did not expect...

26 August 2017

From: Features

How service drives up standards of student lets

Student accommodation is positively luxurious compared with the drafty digs of my student days. En-suites, studio flats, even cinemas in halls...

27 May 2017

From: Features

How can estate agents secure more new build housing instructions?

Lots of people buy new-build due to the perceived lack of hassle with maintenance, as they are built to the latest...

28 January 2017

From: Features

Agent spots her father's house fraudulently listed on Rightmove

An estate agent spotted her father’s house advertised on Rightmove just three days before it was due to be auctioned -...

29 November 2016

From: Breaking News

What is ‘Compliance in a Box’ all about?

With ever increasing obligations, estate agents know that compliance matters now more than ever.  However, being able to obtain access to the...

12 August 2016

From: Features

TV Dragons demolish property crowdfunding guru

Frazer Fearnhead, a founder of The House Crowd property crowdfunding platform, has been sharply criticised in a ‘car crash’ moment on BBC...

14 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Crowded house: are you super vigilant?

I don't think there is one person in lettings and property management who isn't alarmed at the scenes just over the...

03 July 2015

From: Features

Not Invested In Light Panels Yet

Not Invested In Light Panels Yet In this economical climate you might think that investing in new window displays is a...

11 May 2015

From: Sponsored Content

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