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Written by rosalind renshaw

Good luck and best wishes to estate agent Michael Brain, who is gearing up to do a particularly daring challenge that will involve going round Britain in small inflatable boats – within nine days, nine hours and nine minutes.

Brain, of Hannells, is part of a team of ten that will be setting off at 9.09am on the ninth day of the ninth month to attempt the 999 challenge which aims to raise money for the RNLI.

Brain is an active member of the local RNLI rescue team and says it is a fantastic organisation, which costs over £300,000 a day to run. Members – who are almost entirely volunteers like Brain – go to the aid of people regardless of time of day or state of weather.

The RNLI is a charity which receives no government support and relies solely on fund-raising and donations.

Anyone interested in finding out more can go to the first link, and those who would like to pledge their support can use the second.




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