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KEYWORD "Law Commission" - 32 RESULTS
JONATHAN ROLANDE: Can the Government deliver on King's Speech promises?

NOBODY does pomp and ceremony like us Brits and, wow, it was on full display in Westminster last week. Despite the prestige...

22 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Unintended consequences of 'rushed' leasehold law

In what are some of the biggest changes to the residential leasehold sector in the last 21 years since the Commonhold...

01 June 2024

From: Features

Leasehold Reform - Government must get the balance right

Three members of the Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners take a brief look at some of the trials and tribulations awaiting...

11 November 2023

From: Features

Propertymark members given chance to sell charity land

New laws are set to give more estate agents the chance to sell charity land – as long as you are...

05 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Leasehold reform - what do agents and conveyancers need to know?

You will hopefully have seen that the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022 has now received its Royal Assent, meaning it...

30 April 2022

From: Features

Leasehold is here to stay - so here's what is being done to help

Leasehold, quite rightly, remains not just an emotive topic given what has happened over the past decade, but it’s very much...

18 December 2021

From: Features

Is your business ready to offer the best digital experience to your customers?

In this thought leadership article, Videosign CEO Steven Tallant looks at electronic signatures and conveyancing and whether the time is nigh for the...

16 October 2021

From: Features

Reservation agreements – they have been here all along

In this guest editorial, experienced property solicitor Lorraine Richardson argues that reservation agreements - designed to reduce the number of fall-throughs in...

25 September 2021

From: Features

Agents tell conveyancers how they can improve performance

The estate agents’ trade body has set out three ways conveyancers can further help the sales process. Propertymark has made the suggestions...

16 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Logbooks - call for official legal recognition

A call has gone out for Property Logbooks to receive official recognition as “digital assets” by the Law Commission: the move...

16 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Government unveils new bid to push forward ‘commonhold’ concept

The government has set up a committee to push forward ideas on the collective form of homeownership known as commonhold. Housing Secretary...

14 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Why the delay? Leasehold lobby presses government for action

A leasehold group has written to Housing Minister Chris Pincher pressing for an update on the government’s approach to reform for...

19 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Leaseholders advised not to wait for reform - it could take years

Wholesale reform of leasehold issues is still some years away, despite recent proposals by the Law Commission and pledges by the...

06 August 2020

From: Breaking News

990-year lease extensions could help end leasehold scandal

The long-awaited proposals for leasehold reform produced by the Law Commission suggests giving owners the right to extend their lease for...

22 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Big day for Leasehold reform as Law Commission issues reports

It’s a big day for leasehold reform today with the Law Commission due to publish three residential leasehold and commonhold reports. They...

21 July 2020

From: Breaking News

“Fat cat freeholders” would be stopped by Commonhold - claim

The government is being urged to make commonhold ownership compulsory on all new apartments - and the move could even begin a...

21 February 2020

From: Breaking News

More reforms on their way as government ponders leasehold changes

The Law Commission has set out three ways to cut the cost that leaseholders have to pay to buy the freehold...

10 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Anti-money laundering – acting on your suspicions

The Fifth Money Laundering Directive becomes law in the UK on January 10 2020, strengthening the responsibilities placed on private companies...

07 December 2019

From: Features

Commonhold in action – one small builder’s attempts to change the system

So far in our contribution to the campaign to replace leasehold with commonhold we have outlined the stories of some of...

18 May 2019

From: Features

Quiz A Minister: send your questions on replacing leasehold with commonhold

In recent weeks our campaign to replace leasehold with commonhold has continued to gather momentum both in the press and across...

02 May 2019

From: Breaking News

Radical change to leasehold and Right To Manage urged by Law Commission

Consultation closes today on a Law Commission proposal to radically reshape leasehold and the Right To Manage. Right To Manage was introduced...

30 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Expert view on the leasehold scandal - is Commonhold the answer?

The leasehold scandal continues to generate plenty of column inches, with fresh stories emerging almost daily of people living in unsellable...

18 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Replacing leasehold with commonhold – we’re backing the campaign!

The leasehold scandal has received plenty of press coverage, with horror stories of people living in homes that are impossible to...

06 April 2019

From: Features

Lawyers accuse agents of failing to comply with CPRs over leaseholds

The Law Society claims that the unforeseen charges faced by some purchasers of leasehold properties could be addressed “if developers and...

20 March 2019

From: Breaking News

Leasehold roadshow to throw spotlight on reforms

A series of leasehold roadshows beginning next month in Manchester aims to throw a spotlight on problems associated with the tenure,...

08 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Agents welcome consultation into new leasehold reform proposals

The National Association of Estate Agents has given broad support for radical proposals from the Law Commission to end leasehold abuse...

21 September 2018

From: Breaking News

Conveyancing proposals could delay transactions, warns law firm

A leading legal firm has given broad approval to proposals from the Law Commission aimed at improving the conveyancing process and...

30 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Making conveyancing quicker and better - that’s the promise...

The Law Commission has unveiled proposals that it claims could stop property fraudsters in theirb tracks and improve conveyancing at the...

24 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Warning issued about many years before leasehold reform becomes law

A leasehold reform campaigning group is warning that “it is likely to be many years” before promised leasehold reform becomes law. Leasehold...

24 April 2018

From: Breaking News

Could embracing Commonhold put an end to leasehold nightmare?

At any given moment it’s difficult to say which issue dominates our marketplace, but I think it’s fair to acknowledge during...

31 March 2018

From: Features

The Queen's Speech marks another step forward for leasehold reform

The political ebb and flow continues - seemingly with all the subtlety of a Boris Johnson rugby tackle on a 10-year...

01 July 2017

From: Features

New leasehold scandal? Retirement villages face clampdown

A two year investigation by the Law Commission has ended with a claim that some owners of leasehold retirement properties, and...

03 April 2017

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal