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KEYWORD "Newspapers" - 91 RESULTS
Open war declared on property overvaluations

Industry figure Charlie Lamdin is set to launch a new crowd-sourced Public House Price Index as he declares war against property...

19 August 2024

From: Breaking News

How Abby and Michaela turned their friendship into an agency

Agents working for themselves, supported by a ‘broker’ organisation are on the increase in the UK after becoming almost the norm...

15 June 2024

From: Features

Jonathan Rolande: Four General Election housing ideas that would get my vote

Whether a General Election is held in May, November or in January one thing is guaranteed -  we can expect to...

26 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Phil Spencer - Take Back Housing Market Forecasting Control!

It’s that time of year already: Halloween’s happened, Bonfire Night’s blown itself out, and there’s now a feast of festivities leading...

07 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Jonathan Rolande: Why I’m not celebrating house price rises

I’ve always been a half glass full kind of person.  But I’ve got to confess I struggled to get too excited by...

06 November 2023

From: Breaking News

Jonathan Rolande: Politicians are pledging a housebuilding revolution but who will build them?

Most weeks there are stories within the property sector that quietly slip under the radar - but which hold huge significance.  Last...

23 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Bad news everywhere - it’s up to YOU to relay the good news

It seems as if optimism is out of fashion right now: just look at the headlines to see what I mean....

03 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Tributes paid after death of 'estate agency legend'

Former Douglas & Gordon managing director Ivor Dickinson has passed away. He was known as one of London’s most high-profile and colourful...

18 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Security experts reveal top tips to keep your home safe this summer

During the summer holidays, your home is left susceptible to opportunistic thieves. Despite this rise in threat, data found that only...

03 August 2022

From: Legislation & Compliance

Allsopp fights back after criticism of first time buyer comments

Location Location Location co-presenter Kirstie Allsopp has fought back after her comments on first time buyers were sharply criticised oil social...

08 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Purplebricks - It's My Property and I Will Sell It To Who I Want

Was Purplebricks right to delist a property from its website when it discovered the vendors - a Christian couple - were opposed...

28 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Boomin more innovative and forward thinking than rivals - claim

The chair of the strategic board of fledgling Boomin says most existing portals are merely operating like digital newspapers with listings,...

22 December 2021

From: Breaking News

Drones to night shots - what are the top photo tips for agents?

Photography has become an increasingly important weapon in an agent’s armoury in recent years as listings compete for space on portals,...

23 September 2021

From: Breaking News

“Exceptional” agents thanked for advertising in print supplement

Is print dead as an advertising medium for estate agents? Many have suggested it is, thanks to the rise and rise of...

12 July 2021

From: Breaking News

London agency uses cash injection to hit acquisition trail

Dexters, which last week secured a reported £130m in new investment for the coming years, has snapped up the historic Roy...

02 March 2021

From: Breaking News

The push me, pull you of estate agency

Newspapers are pushed through the door, whereas websites have to pull in visitors - it’s a simple but fundamental difference with vast implications...

21 November 2020

From: Features

Big rises in property taxes expected to pay for virus spending

Hefty increases in taxes on the purchase and sale of holiday homes and buy to let properties are expected in the...

01 September 2020

From: Breaking News

PropTech Today: Software and portals destroyed the personal touch of agency

Have you ever wondered how industry-specific software and property portals have influenced the typical estate agency of today? A new book, which...

08 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty dithering could kill the market, warn angry agents

Agents have spoken out angrily against any uncertainty in the market caused by government leaks about future stamp duty changes. In recent...

07 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty changes being considered by Sunak - but when?

Unnamed government sources quoted in many newspapers today suggest stamp duty reforms may be announced later this year. Chancellor Rishi Sunak is to...

06 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Good News: Estate agents’ offices will be first to reopen says newspaper

Estate agents’ offices will be in the first category of High Street premises to reopen when the lockdown finally ends, newspapers claim this...

16 April 2020

From: Breaking News

Eight agents explain why they quit Rightmove - new video released

A video interview released this morning features the experiences of eight agents who have quit Rightmove in the past two years,...

23 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Property Natter – how did agents advertise in the pre-portal days?

In the last few Natters I’ve focused on the slow death of local newspaper advertising, and how many agents are now...

29 February 2020

From: Features

Property Natter – who will be the property disrupters of the 2020s?

The 2010s were a good decade for disrupters. Early on, Airbnb and Uber shook up the holiday lettings/hospitality and traditional black...

15 February 2020

From: Features

Rightmove no worse than many other suppliers says ex-Purplebricks boss

One of Britain’s most experienced estate agents says there’s no alternative to Rightmove, and the portal’s relationship with the industry is...

12 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Housing Minister McVey to be sacked this week, briefings suggest

Unsourced stories in a number of newspapers over the weekend - all likely to have come from government off-the-record briefings -...

10 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Property Natter - is local property advertising now yesterday’s fish and chip paper?

For a very long time, it was one of the best ways – if not the best way – of generating...

01 February 2020

From: Features

Dodgy survey boosts online agents - including one that doesn’t exist

A survey claims that millions of potential sellers would use online estate agents - and bizarrely, this includes an online agency...

06 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Don’t read all about it - are local property ads dying?

It’s that time again. Each year I take a look at newspaper readership - not from the angle of journalists, but...

17 August 2019

From: Features

Beyond the headlines - What the new regulator really means

The industry press has given substantial space to recommendations from the Regulation of Property Agents, the government’s working party which has...

20 July 2019

From: Features

Russell Quirk,Co-Founder and Advisor/Non-Exec Director of Properganda

Who are you and what does it say on your business card? That depends on which business card. One says ‘Properganda PR,...

01 July 2019

From: 60 Second Interview

Regressor or impresser - what kind of estate agency are you?

As we move closer to the halfway point of 2019, property market conditions for agents and their clients remain challenging. Brexit may...

22 May 2019

From: Features

Property Natter: great advertising campaigns for independent estate agents

When you think of the best ad campaigns – from moustachioed opera singers and talking meerkats to millions of bouncing balls...

06 April 2019

From: Features

Rightmove's charges 'are good value for agents' insists ex-agency boss

Property industry commentator and former online agency chief executive Russell Quirk has defended Rightmove’s charges to agents, saying that compared to...

28 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Newspapers are in freefall - what does it mean for agents?

It’s been an interesting week of contrasts when it comes to online replacing ‘the old school’. Data from that clever consultancy The...

12 January 2019

From: Features

Buying process reform guru to speak at The Guild conference panel

The man who is leading the government’s efforts to reform the house buying process will be one of the speaker at...

08 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Brexit Shambles: No Deal impact on house prices to take centre stage

Newspapers are reporting that Brexit’s impact on house prices - especially if there is No Deal - are likely to take...

27 November 2018

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: estate agency on a bus

No, I haven’t lost the plot. Such a thing exists – and if you’re familiar with North London, there is a...

20 October 2018

From: Features

Read all about it: Property supplement publisher up for sale

Johnston Press, the company which owns the i national newspaper and some 200 local titles - many with property supplements carrying...

12 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: what impact has Google had on the property market?

Google celebrated its 20th birthday last month. Yes, it might be hard to recall a time when it wasn’t integral in...

06 October 2018

From: Features

How to get noticed with great photography

The raison d'être for estate agents everywhere is to get their properties noticed! It’s as simple as that. These days you’re likely...

12 September 2018

From: Features

Property Natter: setting the record straight on SEO and subdomains

Fake news has become the popular catchphrase of a certain orange-tinted president in recent years. And everyone, from tech giants like...

08 September 2018

From: Features

Doubt over Countrywide rights issue as Purplebricks wins price boost

It’s being suggested that Countrywide’s rights issue, previously expected to be announced this week, may now be delayed. The Times says the...

24 July 2018

From: Breaking News

Purplebricks to launch Purplebricks Plus as it seeks 10% market share

Purplebricks has told the Press Association it wants to secure over 10 per cent of the agency market share in the...

23 July 2018

From: Breaking News

 Property Natter: what has 2018 brought so far?

First things first, I have to mention the World Cup. The dream is over, football’s not quite coming home (not until...

14 July 2018

From: Features

Property Natter – ten years of Estate Agent Today!

Cast your mind back to July 2008 – Gordon Brown was Prime Minister, the Euros were in full swing in Austria/Switzerland...

30 June 2018

From: Features

Sarah Beeny back in the boardroom, saying online agents will grab 70% share

TV property expert Sarah Beeny says she expects online agencies to take 70 per cent market share in the future -...

05 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Pssst! Derek! Now you can get your home marketed for free...

Online estate agencies are the centre of attention right now - but one of them seems to be seeking publicity in...

15 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: Day in the life of…a property journalist

Ever wondered what it’s like to be on the frontline of property journalism? Well, wonder no more, as our very own...

05 May 2018

From: Features

Sex claims made against housing minister Dominic Raab's diary secretary

Several newspapers are carrying allegations that the diary secretary working for housing minister Dominic Raab has been selling sex via a...

27 April 2018

From: Breaking News

What do estate agents need on their website?

In the modern marketplace – where people live their lives on their smartphones and tablets, social media has a bigger influence...

06 April 2018

From: Sponsored Content

Property Natter: Day in the life of…Winkworth’s head of brand

In the first of an ongoing series exploring the people who make the property industry tick, I catch up with James...

10 March 2018

From: Features

Is print advertising for estate agents dead and buried?

The printing industry is in the midst of a decline as digital products and services displace printed materials, which is why...

03 February 2018

From: Features

Property Natter – here’s how to drive traffic, convert and monetise

Winter seems to be firmly with us now, if the plunging temperatures are anything to go by. After a ridiculously mild...

11 November 2017

From: Features

Government to hold housing summit tomorrow as it scrambles for ideas

It has been revealed that the beleaguered government of Theresa May is to hold a summit at 10 Downing Street tomorrow...

16 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: reputation, renewables and an online revolution

They say presentation is key (something that Theresa May now knows all too well after her calamitous conference speech). But equally...

14 October 2017

From: Features

How many agency business models are there today?

It used to be so easy. Around 20 years ago there were what we now call full-service estate and letting agencies, and...

23 September 2017

From: Features

Newspapers ramp up pressure for further reform of stamp duty

Stamp duty has become the latest weapon in the ongoing war of words between different wings of the Conservative party, as...

14 August 2017

From: Breaking News

Sales Doctor: Winning more instructions part two

As discussed in our previous article, it’s all about the first impression. Once your team have handled that initial phone call...

22 July 2017

From: Features

Property Natter: a half-year review – hybrids, PropTech and resilience

We’re already more than halfway through 2017 and, against all the odds, it’s pushing 2016 close in terms of eventfulness and...

14 July 2017

From: Features

Sex case: Your Move agent wins discrimination case against boss

An estate agent who was offered a sex act by his boss if he hit sales targets has won a sex...

02 June 2017

From: Breaking News

Trinity Mirror to fight Rightmove and Zoopla for agents' advertising spend

Trinity Mirror is aiming to secure more of agents' marketing spend after launching what it is describing as a 'fightback' against...

17 May 2017

From: Breaking News

'Raffle Property' stunts risk contravening gambling legislation

An attempt to raffle a property - like the much-publicised case of an owner in south east London, which reached some...

11 May 2017

From: Breaking News

How to get press coverage for your business

Being featured in newspapers, magazines and websites, as well as on radio and TV, can be a great way to build...

22 April 2017

From: Features

Using Rightmove alone would be the wrong move

It’s easy to be dismissive of the value of local newspapers for advertising residential property but things are never as straightforward...

08 April 2017

From: Features

Purplebricks whips up more publicity in viral Facebook entry

There’s been another flurry of publicity for Purplebricks following the posting of photographs and statements online by a blogger whose property...

21 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Read all about it: Will agents continue to advertise in print?

I had a very interesting chat with the man behind a new portal the other day. He was John Dixon, the portal...

04 March 2017

From: Features

New property portal unconcerned about OnTheMarket rule

A new regional property portal aiming to sign up 80 per cent of agencies in Yorkshire says it is unconcerned about...

21 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Housing White Paper - what to expect from today's release

A series of leaks to national newspapers and a flurry of broadcast interviews by housing minister Gavin Barwell means we already know...

07 February 2017

From: Breaking News

Housing White Paper - first details start to emerge

First details of the long-awaited Housing White Paper have emerged in stories in newspapers frequently used by government to float ideas. The...

03 February 2017

From: Breaking News

After stamp duty and agents’ fees, it’s time to seize the initiative

Let me set out my stall from the beginning. Firstly with two buy to lets managed by an agency, I understand and...

03 December 2016

From: Features

PropTech: Firm launches printed augmented reality service to agents

A PropTech firm is to launch a 'printed augmented reality' service that allows buyers to point their smartphone and get additional information...

11 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Brexit: housing minister tells both sides to tone down the rhetoric

Housing minister Gavin Barwell has taken to Twitter to tell those for and against Brexit to "tone down the rhetoric" that...

07 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Government tipped to reveal major housing policy changes today

Speculation was rife over the weekend that the government would today announce major changes to housing policy - possibly shifting the...

03 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Why agents will always need portals

It’s a headline from an Australian business journal this week but it has a familiar ring to it: “Estate agents’ attempts...

26 August 2016

From: Features

Foxtons pulls out of sale 'after appeal by local community'

Foxtons has removed its listing for the sale of a property on an estate in Walthamstow after concerns expressed by nearby...

25 August 2016

From: Breaking News

City's new 15% surcharge on foreign buyers - could it happen here?

One of the western world’s ‘hottest’ city residential markets has introduced a near-instant 15 per cent price surcharge on properties purchased...

27 July 2016

From: Breaking News

nu: move - the future of property

nu-move online estate agents -The Future of Property Nu-move is an online venture that has been created to meet the demand...

07 July 2016

From: Sponsored Content

Marketing tips: print, digital, prospecting and the telephone…

Cost-effective marketing will always be an important part of growing an estate agency business. I'm often asked about the ways in which...

10 June 2016

From: Features

Hold the front page? Don’t bother – no one reads it any more

I wish it were otherwise, but there’s a crisis just beginning to sweep over newspapers – with, a bit beneath the...

06 May 2016

From: Features

Seven unanswered questions about the OTM/CMA affair

By accident or design, the PR machine at OnTheMarket was beefed up last week.  Just as well. With the portal still reeling...

23 April 2016

From: Features

Explicit CCTV shows jailed estate agent repeatedly running over man

Police have released footage of an estate agent who has been jailed for four years after repeatedly running over his girlfriend's...

22 February 2016

From: Breaking News

Care home rooms being sold as buy to let investment properties

Newspapers and other journalists’ outlets are reporting that rooms in care homes are being offered to purchase as buy to let...

14 December 2015

From: Breaking News

Controversy as 'loophole' helps buyer avoid £1m stamp duty

An estate agent has hit the headlines for marketing a central London home where the buyer can avoid paying almost £1m...

23 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Alex Chesterman Q & A: The Results (Part II)

Readers of Estate Agent Today and Letting Agent Today were given an exclusive opportunity to pose questions to Zoopla Property Group...

16 September 2015

From: Features

It’s a scandal more property scandals aren’t exposed

I received a call from a prominent agent known to many in the industry this week, asking an unexpected question: he wanted...

07 August 2015

From: Features

Rightmove listing: agent justifies 142 photographs of just one property

An agent has defended his decision to put 142 photographs of a property on its Rightmove listing after an unexpected criticism...

03 August 2015

From: Breaking News

HomeOwners’ Alliance – an organisation to watch

There is a very interesting but easily-overlooked piece of information at the end of the National Trading Standards Estate Agent Team’s...

17 July 2015

From: Features

Oh no, not another complaint...

OK, you’ve had your fun. Now let’s leave the regulators regulate and work for the public. If you don’t know what I...

22 May 2015

From: Features

Read All About It – smart ways to display your brochures and print

Even in a digital age, printed material continues to play an important part in the marketing of any estate agency. Weekly...

08 May 2015

From: Sponsored Content

Mystery surrounds closure of 'top 20' estate agency

A firm described as one of the country’s 20 best small estate agencies has closed both of its offices. Estate Agent Today...

06 May 2015

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal