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Purplebricks whips up more publicity in viral Facebook entry

There’s been another flurry of publicity for Purplebricks following the posting of photographs and statements online by a blogger whose property was visited by one of the agency’s Local Property Experts.

Dan Stevenson, 26, was pictured and named by London blogger Lorna Hayward after he visited her home and met her two young children, Elsie aged three and Marnie aged 18 months.

Lorna Hayward posted photographs and statements on Facebook and Instagram, saying her girls “took a real shine to him” and followed the estate agent around the house asking for cuddles and whether he was he staying the night.


She posted on the social media outlets of the parenting group The Motherload which then created the #findDan hashtag - the end result was that over 30,000 people either tweeted, shared or commented on the story.

Now the story has been picked up by a string of national newspapers, the London Evening Standard and several online publications.

Lorna’s entry began like this:

“This is Dan. He just valued our flat. I had warned him, that arriving in my only available slot of the day at 5pm was risky. Nevertheless he rocked up.

“In the last hour Dan (who is a complete stranger) has had both my daughters request cuddles, can he hold their hands, if he would watch Peppa with them, does he like cheese, if he was staying the night, and the finale – Elsie walking out of the toilet announcing she had just done ‘her biggest poo yet – it was a bit spiky though, so please can you wipe my bum’

“Poor Dan. Poor poor Dan. Gonna just pour meself a pint of wine.”

Meanwhile the Motherload website - after the entry went viral - added:

“Dan, for what it’s worth, you have quite a fan-base on The Motherload (expect a few calls for valuations) and for putting up with Elsie’s poo story alone you definitely deserve to be Employee of the Month at work. Dan, we salute you (and we’re sorry).”

  • icon

    Do her children ask all strange men visitors whether they will stay the night? Is that what the little girls expect? Is it normal for them?

  • icon

    I agree. Its not just me then that when I read this article I thought "what a potential PR disaster-basically what we have here is a stranger cuddling young children and wiping bottoms -ouch-own goal PB !!

  • Jon  Tarrey

    PR stunt? Not to mention weird and creepy.

    An own goal from PB here, methinks.

  • Mike Lewis

    Quite sickening really.

  • icon

    Think your all over reacting a bit to be honest. Anyone with small kids knows how interested in strangers they can be, they were in their own home and the mother was there the whole time. Why does everything have to have some hidden agenda. it was just a couple of kids playing around with a guy who obviously gave them some attention. I have 2 children and if I was there watching what was going on I would have no problem.


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