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KEYWORD "Sterling" - 100 RESULTS
Billionaire buyers worried about prime London purchases under Labour - claim

Competition from Dubai and concerns about taxation under the new Labour Government have led the world’s super-rich to spend less and...

16 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Mortgage Misery as yet more lenders hike rates

Just as the Nationwide showed the impact of rising mortgage costs on house prices, so another raft of lenders have made...

02 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Agency executive marks 20 years with historic brand

Mary Beeton, head of residential sales and residential development at Hamptons is celebrating her twentieth year at Hamptons. She is part of the...

24 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Estate Agency 2023: Who will win and who will lose

In this latest article from the team at Iceberg Digital, they discuss estate agency in 2023. Who is embracing technology, and how...

18 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Everything You Need To Know About the 2023 Housing Market

New year, old worries: what’s happening in the housing market? We’ve asked experts and collated forecasts, 15 in total. On the one...

07 January 2023

From: Features

Overseas buyers will help avert a property market crash - claim 

A property tax consultant has hit back at suggestions of a housing market crash, suggesting that overseas investors will help sustain...

15 December 2022

From: Breaking News

World Cup Agent Match Report: England hit six amid FIFA own goals

There was plenty of upset off the pitch after the Football Association’s last-minute u-turn – in fear of FIFA sanctions -...

22 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Motivated buyers hampered by ‘hesitant’ sellers 

Buyers are facing hesitant sellers and a continuing shortage of properties, Chestertons claims. The agency reported that the number of property viewings...

09 November 2022

From: Breaking News

JLL: ‘International buyers may save prime markets from housing downturn’

The prime central London (PCL) market may escape a property downturn, JLL claims. The real estate and agency brand has highlighted the...

05 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Poor Liz and Kwasi. What Do They Do Now?

Who would be in the shoes of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng? I don’t mean who would like their power, pay and...

01 October 2022

From: Features

Agents Do Charity – pies in faces, Agent Rainmaker and Three Peaks heroics

It’s been a dramatic week in the world of politics – and this has led to another new Housing Secretary, in...

17 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Natter - will UK agents ever be seen as true professionals?

There are some parts of the world, including in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, where estate agent isn’t seen as...

28 August 2021

From: Features

Property Natter: half-year review – what has 2021 brought so far?

Well, we’re technically more than halfway through the year already, but we’ll let that slide. And what a year it’s been...

31 July 2021

From: Features

EUROS: Heartache and tears - our Agent’s Report

A 3-2 loss on penalties. It’s sad and disappointing - desperately. Yet that gives way to pride when England’s performance across the whole...

12 July 2021

From: Breaking News

What I’ve learnt from the Euros

Like many of you, I have watched a lot of football recently and I’ve enjoyed every minute. It has been an...

07 July 2021

From: Sponsored Content

EUROS: Let Us Enterkane You - our latest Agent's Report

Have you recovered yet?  We don’t mean the hangover, but the shock from the fact that England never gave their fans cause...

05 July 2021

From: Breaking News

EUROS: Agent Match Report - is football really finally coming home?

So, who would have thought it? England finally beat Germany in a knockout game at a major competition - and it...

30 June 2021

From: Breaking News

EUROS: Our first Agent Match Report - England finally kick off with a win!

Hello and welcome to our first Euros Agent Match Report, a really engaging piece on England's triumphant campaign start yesterday. Our thanks go to...

14 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty surcharge likely to hit foreign investment in UK property - warning

The UK is only the eighth most popular country for Asian investment buyers, and accounts for just three per cent of...

16 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Many overseas buyers don’t even visit Brexit bargain purchasers

A London property investment consultancy says 22 per cent of properties it’s advised overseas purchasers on this year have been bought sight-unseen. London...

04 November 2020

From: Breaking News

London’s Foreign Buyers: surprise country heads global league table

The country producing the largest number of buyers of prime London properties is not China, nor from north America or the...

20 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Ian Westerling - a legacy of Humberts, NAEA, PropTech and more

As many in the industry will know, Ian Westerling passed away last week at the age of 51: he was a...

09 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Prime London market improving despite transactions slump - bank

A housing market snapshot for prime London shows a fall of over half in the number of £1m-plus properties sold so...

31 July 2020

From: Breaking News

First Brexit, now Corona - another exchange rate boost for foreign buyers

The advantage given to overseas buyers when Sterling weakened during the long-running Brexit saga has returned with the arrival of the...

27 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Stamp duty is a Southern tax and won’t hurt wealthy foreign buyers

The stamp duty surcharge for non-resident investment buyers announced in yesterday’s Budget is dwarfed by discounts they receive thanks to the...

12 March 2020

From: Breaking News

Brexit challenges for agents and the property industry

Suddenly Brexit Day is nearly here. It may have taken three and a half years from the Referendum but the UK will,...

25 January 2020

From: Features

Prices up! Transactions up! Agent forecasts a boom in 2020

Some buying agents have batted away the many signs of an improving housing market but one says the Boris Bounce is...

24 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Prime London prices to rise despite short-term Brexit woe

A high end estate agency says prices in Prime Central London are poised to rise 18 per cent by 2024 despite...

30 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Big Tory win: but agents warn over Stamp Duty and Section 21

It’s a substantial Tory government for the next five years: what does this mean for estate agents, property and the market? We have...

13 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Five years in Prime London: prices down 15% and supply 45% down

The latest market snapshot of prime central London suggests that homes there are now 15.2 per cent cheaper than five years...

11 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Now is the time to target foreign investors, says growing portal

A growing free-to-list property portal says there's never been a better time for estate agents to target foreign investors. Residential People, which,...

02 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Agency downgrades London and UK market forecasts

Cluttons has downgraded its forecasts for the housing markets in London and the rest of the UK for the remainder of...

12 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Agent strikes out from Knight Frank to set up her own consultancy

An agent working at the buying arm of Knight Frank, The Buying Solution, is striking out to set up her own...

06 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Now is not the time for ‘BoJo Bravado’

If you’d asked me at the start of the year how I thought the political landscape might look now, I wouldn’t...

03 August 2019

From: Features

Brexit: Deal or No Deal could hit base rate and then mortgage costs

The Bank of England’s monetary policy committee - which meets monthly to set the base rate on which the costs of...

02 August 2019

From: Breaking News

US high rollers buy London homes expecting post-Brexit bounce

A leading London estate agency with US connections says there has been a surge in high net worth American buyers in...

18 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Transactions tumble but glimmer of hope in prime London market

London Central Portfolio, a respected property consultancy that has been pessimistic about the market in prime areas of the capital, says...

25 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Brexit's Trump card: Sterling slump means rich US buyers flock to London

A high-end estate agency is reporting a dramatic rise in the number of US buyers in London as they have taken...

18 June 2019

From: Breaking News

Property Natter - talking women in property, Brexit investment and PropTech

In the first Q&A Natter for a while, I catch up with Angelica Donati - CEO of Donati Immobiliare Group, PropTech...

01 June 2019

From: Features

London market gloom - is there light at the end of the tunnel at last?

Might the central London market gloom be broken by just a sliver of light? London Central Portfolio, an investment consultancy, has recently...

21 May 2019

From: Breaking News

Commonhold in action – one small builder’s attempts to change the system

So far in our contribution to the campaign to replace leasehold with commonhold we have outlined the stories of some of...

18 May 2019

From: Features

Agency shuts key office as London hit by more transaction and price falls

Another estate agency has closed one of its prime London offices as the capital’s most exclusive areas continue to be hit...

26 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Brexit backfires as it brings in flood of foreign buyers - new figures

If anyone thought Brexit may allow domestic buyers a bigger share of the market, think again: no fewer than 57 per...

18 February 2019

From: Breaking News

NAEA conference just old white men with grey hair says online boss

The head of an online agency has accused the National Association of Estate Agents’ conference of being “a sea of old...

18 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Prime Central London transactions now only 50% of 2013 levels

Strutt & Parker says transaction levels in Prime Central London, already at a low ebb, plummeted a further nine per cent...

08 February 2019

From: Breaking News

Huge house price falls bring super-rich back to central London

High-end agency Savills says London’s super-rich are now buying and selling more actively than a year ago.  The agency says London’s so-called...

25 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: Emoov, Brexit, Agents Got Talent and a partridge in a pear tree

Hard not to mention two major breaking news stories of recent days; one directly affecting the property market and one which...

15 December 2018

From: Features

Sales plummet thanks to Brexit and taxes says investment guru

Transactions across England and Wales in September dropped 7.6 per cent year on year while Prime Central London now sees fewer than...

23 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Second EU Referendum would help housing market, claims agent

A London buying agent has called for a second referendum on Britain’s EU membership, suggesting that it would give more certainty...

22 October 2018

From: Breaking News

Agents Do Charity - autumn fund-raising in full swing...

We’re well and truly back from summer with a flurry of fund-raising to report on this week: thanks to each and...

21 September 2018

From: Breaking News

Humberts ex-country house chief switches from selling to buying

The former head of Humberts’ country house department, who has spent 30 years selling homes, has switched to buying. Jeremy Campbell-Harris was...

24 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Don’t blame Brexit! Agent reveals who's behind housing market woe

One of London’s leading estate agents says Brexit has had at worst a neutral effect on the housing market and may...

08 August 2018

From: Breaking News

Property Jobs Today - the latest moves within our industry...

Hello and welcome to Property Jobs Today, the regular Monday round-up of moves and changes in our industry. Do please let us...

25 June 2018

From: Breaking News

NAEA and ARLA Presidents - no surprises as 'next in line' take office

ARLA and the NAEA have appointed their new presidents - and as usual they are the presidents-elect, named a year ago. Mark...

18 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Recently-purchased Humberts announces new management structure

The new owner of Humberts has announced the new management structure of the rural estate agency which he bought out of...

30 May 2018

From: Breaking News

'Business as usual' for Humberts following sale to luxury holiday firm

It will be 'business as usual' for Humberts following the announcement of its sale to Natural Retreats, says the agency's new...

22 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Humberts purchaser revealed as Natural Retreats

It has today been announced that the Natural Retreats group has purchased Humberts. The entirety of Humberts has been included in the...

21 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Humberts ‘inundated with offers’ - but some redundant employees unpaid

The managing director of troubled estate agency Humberts says he has been “inundated” with prospective buyers since news broke over last...

02 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Humberts denies report of some branches already shut with staff unpaid

Humberts has denied a local press report suggesting at least five of the firm’s 22 offices had already closed with some...

01 May 2018

From: Breaking News

Humberts problems “on the cards for years says senior insider

An insider in a senior position in Humberts says the weekend announcement that it was in talks with proposed administrators to...

30 April 2018

From: Breaking News

Property Jobs Today - who’s on the move within our industry?

Hello and welcome to this week’s Property Jobs Today - our regular Monday look at who’s moving where within our industry. You...

16 April 2018

From: Breaking News

Prime London: prices down 25% and sellers outnumber buyers 10-to-1

One of prime London’s most senior estate agents says stamp duty is “strangling the residential property market” in areas of the...

18 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Humberts could extend online option to sales, after evaluation

Humberts, which yesterday launched an online-only option for landlord clients, says it is “not closing the door” on expanding the idea...

15 August 2017

From: Breaking News

Brexit pushing up prices of materials, warns builders' chief

A third of small building firms say that soaring material prices are squeezing their margins and almost a quarter have had...

04 August 2017

From: Breaking News

London’s prime housing market is no longer roaring

Being a leading world-class city comes at a price – they are the most expensive for occupiers and the most lucrative...

14 July 2017

From: Features

'Star agent' hired to lead country firm's first prime central London office

Humberts - until now known as an agency operating predominantly in market towns across southern England - is opening a Mayfair office in...

24 April 2017

From: Breaking News

The world is your oyster! Q & A with AIPP’s Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson, CEO of AIPP – Association of International Property Professionals – shines a light onto the international property market. Some UK...

01 April 2017

From: Features

Agency reveals 'managed transition' of some staff to rival company

Carter Jonas is expanding its activities in south west England by opening new branches and through the unusual route of a...

27 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Savills reports 'resilient' UK home sales despite Brexit jitters

Savills has revealed relatively strong figures for 2016 in its report to the City this morning, with group revenue up 13...

22 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Prime London shows recovery at last, says investment firm

After a year of turbulence thanks to Brexit and the consequences of stamp duty changes, prime central London’s housing market appears...

21 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Brexit and SDLT stifling prime sales, warns top buying agency

Property Vision, one of the country’s oldest and most respected buying agencies, has added its voice to those saying that stamp...

14 March 2017

From: Breaking News

Why more US investors are looking for UK property

Following the election of Donald Trump, there has been a rise in the number of United States investors searching for property...

25 January 2017

From: Sponsored Content

New Savills reports show more problems in prime markets

Two reports produced by Savills suggests continuing struggles for high-priced properties in prime locations to combat economic uncertainty and the deterrent...

23 January 2017

From: Breaking News

Inflation 'bigger problem for housing market than Brexit' claims top agent

Inflation has taken over from Brexit as “the biggest threat to affordability and confidence in the housing market” according to a...

18 January 2017

From: Breaking News

Brexit boost for Savills as foreign buyers push profits higher

A surge in sales of London properties to overseas buyers taking advantage of the Pound’s post-referendum collapse has helped Savills exceed...

13 January 2017

From: Breaking News

Investment firm claims some London asking prices cut 30 per cent

The managing partner of a property investment firm says London residential property values have fallen by 15 to 25 per cent...

04 January 2017

From: Breaking News

Happy New Year from Estate Agent Today - this is what's in store...

This is the final Estate Agent Today until Tuesday January 3 2017, so everyone at Angels Media sends all good wishes for...

30 December 2016

From: Breaking News

What next for property in 2017?

Following a strong start to 2016, particularly in the lower to middle range of the UK housing market, that lasted up...

17 December 2016

From: Features

Quote, unquote - What the industry said in 2016

Forecasts are so last year: who anticipated Bowie, Brexit or Balls for example? Quotes, on the other hand, really ARE last year...

17 December 2016

From: Features

Humberts using franchise model to expand beyond southern England

Humberts, long established as a southern England agency specialising in rural and semi-rural areas, says it is now going to use...

22 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Overseas buyers 'use Brexit as excuse to seek 10%-plus price cuts'

Knight Frank says overseas buyers are not only benefitting from a significant drop in the effective price of central London properties...

14 November 2016

From: Breaking News

What does a Donald Trump win mean for the UK property market?

It is fair to say that 2016 is a year full of surprises. Anyone who had the foresight to predict Britain...

12 November 2016

From: Features

London's housing market may benefit from Trump, insist estate agents

Estate agents and market analysts have spent 24 hours expressing their nervousness over the repercussions of Donald Trump's victory in the...

10 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Housing must remain top of the government’s agenda

With the number of new homes being built across the UK still significantly below the level needed to meet demand, housebuilders...

16 September 2016

From: Features

Agents that find balance for their clients are going from strength to strength

Given the uncertainty that shrouded the immediate build up to, and aftermath of, the EU referendum, the current lettings market in...

16 September 2016

From: Features

Agents Do Charity - in taxis, on bikes and up mountains

Despite storms in the North and September sun in the South, estate agents haven't been deterred from giving their all for charity this...

16 September 2016

From: Breaking News

Website claims London now has Brexit-inspired 'panic selling' at cut prices

The sales website Home claims that London house prices have dropped an average of 1.2 per cent in the past four...

23 August 2016

From: Breaking News

What has been the Brexit impact on the housing market so far?

The morning after the EU referendum, and Westminster, Britain, Europe and the world were left in shock at the news that...

05 August 2016

From: Features

Agency says Brexit refugees are seeking Irish homes on Rightmove

Sherry Fitzgerald, a major agency in the Republic of Ireland, says it has seen “exceptionally strong” interest in homes from British...

14 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Sterling's Brexit slump risks more money-laundering attempts - claim

The plummetting pound following the UK’s shock vote to leave the European Union risks creating more money-laundering operations through this country’s...

11 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Global property insight

With the new Formula One season now well underway, we delve into the fast lane to take you on a whirlwind...

08 July 2016

From: Features

The post-Brexit landscape

As I sit and write this piece, even with the FTSE 100 back up and sterling having recovered some of its...

08 July 2016

From: Features

Post-Brexit blues and what next?

Never in my lifetime have I seen so much enthusiasm and passion for politics. Brexit awoke the sleeping dog in almost...

01 July 2016

From: Features

Brexiteer property chief takes swipe at agents wringing their hands

The director of a high-end foreign-owned estate agency in prime central London says he is surprised that so many other figures...

27 June 2016

From: Breaking News

Estate agency sets up  'property clinic' to address vendors' Brexit fears

Humberts is launching an email property clinic to answer any specific buyer or vendor queries on issues, including their concerns following...

27 June 2016

From: Breaking News

The only certainty is uncertainty. So what next for the industry?

One estate agency leader - you’d all recognise his name - described the victory of the Leave camp in the referendum...

24 June 2016

From: Features

Agents pessimistic after shock Brexit vote and Cameron quitting

Agents have been giving their reaction to the shock Brexit referendum result - and their comments have ranged from the gloomy...

24 June 2016

From: Breaking News

More foreign buyers in London if UK quits EU, says estate agency

Prices are wobbling in the London housing market, with the referendum and ongoing currency fluctuations being two of the major causes. That...

22 June 2016

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: conveyancing, mortgage advice and a PropTech revolution

On Tuesday we managed hail, snow, rain, sun and a chilly wind all in one day. Whatever you want to say...

29 April 2016

From: Features

Ex-Countrywide chief joins board of central London estate agency

Estate Agent Today can reveal that Bob Scarff, the head of Countrywide’s estate agency business until last May, has become a...

18 April 2016

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal