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KEYWORD "Tiverton" - 7 RESULTS
Agency franchise brand expands Devon footprint

Winkworth has opened its fifth office in Devon – with what it describes as a prime spot in an affluent area...

08 May 2024

From: Breaking News

	Winkworth posts record sales from stamp duty holiday and beyond

Winkworth agents posted record sales income last year, attributed to the stamp duty holiday. The London-listed agent franchise group revealed in its...

13 April 2022

From: Breaking News

At least eight new offices to open in 2022, pledges franchise network

Franchise giant Winkworth says at least eight new offices will open next year, following an upbeat performance in 2021. In a trading...

12 November 2021

From: Breaking News

How to minimise pandemic disruption in your estate agency

Last month it was reported that up to 500,000 people had been ‘pinged’ by the NHS in a week. While the...

18 August 2021

From: Features

London-focussed agency expands in south west England

London-focussed agency Winkworth - which has around 60 of its 100 franchise branches in the capital - has now opened another...

25 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Fox and Sons goes digital and improves their sales progression with mio

Fox and Sons goes digital and improves their sales progression with mio Lucy Luxton, Branch Manager at Fox and Sons, Tiverton (Devon)...

09 September 2019

From: Sponsored Content

Agents Do Charity: In all colours of the rainbow

On the day when hundreds of agents descend on the capital to celebrate the great and good of the industry at...

12 May 2017

From: Breaking News

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