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All agents are online – so how can you beat the competition?

04 August 2016 5749 Views
All agents are online – so how can you beat the competition?

Whether you work from a traditional office, a coffee shop or a bedroom, one thing's for sure is that these days you are an 'online agent'.

No, we don't mean you exclusively charge an up-front fee or let vendors carry out their own viewings (although you might do these things).

What we mean by 'online' agent is that technology and the internet is central to everything you do.

So if all estate and letting agents are online agents, what can your firm do to make sure you stay one step ahead of your competitors?

Well, having a good software provider is a good place to start. Property software will be at the heart of your staff's daily operations and so using a product that is reliable, efficient and user-friendly as extremely important.

What's more, it's becoming increasingly vital that your systems can be accessed via the cloud – meaning your agents can work effectively – anywhere at any time.

So, what else should you be looking for in a software provider?

- Free demonstrations -  you need to know that any property management software you invest in is right for you. Demonstrations allow you to get a feel for the system and help you to make the right business decision.

- A focus on integration –  A key aspect of having a successful business is being able to 'think the link'. That's why using a software system that integrates accounting, marketing and staff management is becoming the norm.

- Free training and guidance – When you implement a new property software system you want your team to hit the ground running. This is where training and guidance from the provider comes in handy.

- Additional benefits, not just management software – Does your software package allow you to generate reports, upload to property portals and implement window displays? If not, you are missing out on some valuable extras.

Here at Gnomen, we're confident that we're able to offer all of our clients the above and much, much more.

You can read more about what we can do for your agency on our website.

If you're looking for a software provider to help you stay ahead of your online competition, you can get in touch with us and book a free demo.

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