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The rise of virtual reality viewings

22 September 2016 6900 Views
The rise of virtual reality viewings

More estate agents are using – or at least considering using – virtual reality viewings as part of their services.

But what are they and why are they rising in popularity?

Put simply, a virtual reality viewing allows prospective buyers or tenants to view a property without leaving their own home, workplace or the branch of the agency they have visited.

It puts the control entirely in the hands of the viewer.

For busy, time-poor people the appeal is obvious. If you don't have to go to the effort and hassle of organising and then carrying out a house viewing because you can do it from the comfort of your own sofa instead, then searching for a property becomes that much easier and less stressful. 

Of course, many people will still want to visit the property in person before committing to putting in an offer, but with virtual reality viewings a more concrete first impression of a home can be formulated.

If a buyer doesn't like what they see, they may move on to another property and save themselves some time and hassle.

In recent years technology and property have started to mix more and more. The rapid rise of PropTech further illustrates that point.

With the power of the internet and modern tech growing by the day, many in the property industry are keen to find new and innovative ways of making the process of buying and selling homes smoother and quicker.

One of these innovations is virtual reality viewings, a possible alternative to difficult-to-arrange and potentially time-consuming traditional ones. A useful solution to a property-related problem, that's generally the PropTech mantra.

Much of the technology surrounding virtual reality viewings is still in the trial or early planning stages, but more agents are starting to use it.

Foxtons started trialling virtual reality viewings in May of this year, with property portal Rightmove soon following suit.

Many online agencies, as you might expect, are also interested in virtual reality viewings and how they can improve and enhance the viewing experience.

What's more, major companies such as Google and Samsung are investing big money in producing affordable and accessible VR headsets.

There are numerous tech companies, too, with an interest in all things virtual reality – with new and exciting products coming to the market all the time.

Virtual reality viewings are just one example of forward-thinking technology. At Gnomen we look to bring the latest innovations in property software to help run every part of your business seamlessly.

Our services all work together in complete harmony, allowing you as an agent to stay on top all your tasks and to ensure that all your clients are kept happy and well-informed.

Our cloud-based system allows you to manage your staff, office, customers and multi-channel marketing in one place, in a fast, easy and efficient manner.

If you want software to keep you ahead of the game, look no further than Gnomen. You can check out what we do by booking a free demo.

We also provide beautiful website designs for estate agent businesses, with numerous cutting-edge features to help these websites stand out from the crowd.

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