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Work Smarter with Reapit AgencyCloud’s MI Analysis Suite

08 September 2021 18571 Views
Work Smarter with Reapit AgencyCloud’s MI Analysis Suite

Business intelligence is paramount to companies looking to gain a competitive edge, particularly in saturated markets like estate agency. Each client that walks through your door or clicks on your website is also considering the well-established agency chain that won’t let them down, and the independent branch down the road which are local experts. But how do you know that you’re positioning yourself to consistently generate more leads, convert those into instructions, and then keep those clients happy?

Most modern agencies run their businesses on desktop CRMs, so it makes sense that their software should also be capable of pulling together key market insights based on the data that’s been input.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case with most estate agency CRMs. And those which do provide built-in market insights often take data sets made available to everyone in public domains, rather than understanding their own property and client records.

But that’s what sets AgencyCloud’s Management Information Suite apart, the most powerful set of business intelligence tools in UK estate agency.

The MI Suite comprises of five analytics dashboards: Applicant Analysis, Market Appraisal Analysis, Withdrawal Analysis, Data Accuracy Analysis and Portal Analysis, which can all be viewed in their own standalone dashboards, or together in the MI Overview, as shown below.

Each dashboard has the potential to influence key business decisions across your agency.



Applicant Analysis Overview

The Applicant Analysis dashboard offers real-time analysis of all buyer leads from the moment they’re registered onto your system.

  • Easily pick out the applicants scheduling more viewings and showing greater intent to buy.

  • See where applicants are based and highlight buyers with property to sell in your areas.

  • Track how long it takes the average applicant to make an offer after registering.

Market Appraisal Analysis Overview

The MA Analysis dashboard provides built-in, deep analysis of your market appraisals. This real-time dashboard helps to highlight trends and identify opportunities in your existing data.

  • See the rate at which you convert Mas.

  • Understand why MAs chose not to instruct you, and which competitors outperformed you.

  • Easily identify and target leads that require nurturing.

Withdrawal Analysis Overview

The Withdrawal Analysis dashboard provides built-in, real-time analysis of your withdrawn sales property data, enabling your staff to spot trends and easily highlight properties at risk of withdrawal.

  • Track how often your agency loses business after instruction.

  • See which properties are at risk of withdrawal.

  • Understand why vendors leave and to which competition.


Data Accuracy Analysis Overview

The Data Accuracy Analysis dashboard tracks the accuracy of applicant and property data entered into your database, helping you to easily pinpoint problem areas in your data and take quick action, resulting in a more reliable database in the long term.

  • Data quality is represented by an overall score for applicant and property records, and the success of managing them.

  • Identify common weak areas within your data by comparing quality levels across your records.


Portal Analysis Overview

The all-new Portal Analysis dashboard offers inbuilt real-time analysis of portal leads received, giving you an overview of the amount of valuation requests and applicant leads received, and from which marketing portals their requests originated.

  • Identify which marketing portals are more valuable to your business.

  • Discover how many leads go uncontacted, and make service amendments if necessary.

  • See how your portal numbers compare across 12 months and year on year.

What’s next?

The Product team here at Reapit never stop looking to innovate and always aim to enhance areas of our CRM software that enable you to gain valuable insights, ensure you have all the tools required to turn every opportunity into revenue, and above all else, focus on providing a thorough, industry-leading experience where it matters most.

The current set of MI Analysis dashboards are Sales related, but that won’t be for long. AgencyCloud’s MI Analysis Suite will soon extend to Lettings, so you’ll be able to track insights into landlords, tenants and more, giving you the edge in the lettings market.

Find out more

Want to know more about AgencyCloud’s MI Suite? You can book a commitment-free demo with a product expert and see how you can harness your existing data to make key business decisions.

And if you’d like a quick summary of everything our MI Suite has to offer, check out page Reapit’s Feature Focus Podcast series, which runs through the essentials of each dashboard.

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