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Leave it out! Top TV hardman heads today's Christmas agency pictures...

With under a fortnight left before Christmas your photographs have been coming thick and fast - but today we start with a famous TV celebrity who has been persuaded to pose too.

Just before we reveal the identity, a reminder that we’re running agents’ photographs all the way up to the end of next week - December 23 - so please keep them coming! Just email them to press@estateagenttoday.co.uk and we will do the rest.

Now let’s start with that celebrity. As a clue, we can say that when he stepped into the Fleet Milne office in central Birmingham he was greeted with a friendly “Get Out Of My Pub!”


Then he put on his hard-man look - and promptly became a loyal customer. The VIP in question is of course Steve McFadden, better known to millions over the past 26 years as Phil Mitchell from EastEnders.

“He’s appearing in pantomime at the Hippodrome in Birmingham and chose only the finest Letting and Sales agent to look after him” explains Fleet Milne’s associate director - marketing, Marc Pearce. 

The star-struck staff took an opportunity to get a snap of the star for Estate Agent Today too - thanks Marc and the team for this splendid A-list image.

In their own way, the staff at Butters John Bee at Longton are stars too, because they have made their own office log fire, especially for Santa. 

Our thanks to sales negotiator Tim Abbott there for sending in the photograph - and for those jumpers, too!

And talking of jumpers...stand by to feast your eyes on the Yuletide Knitwear won by the team at Martin & Co in Stamford, Lincs.

Negotiator Richard Peglar sent in the photograph - at the EAT office we were particularly impressed by the red/purple combination worn by Santa, and the fetching hats - Merry Christmas guys, hope you have a great office party!

More photos tomorrow!

  • Daniel Roder

    "It's family, innit!"

    Phil Mitchell. What a legend.

  • Jon  Tarrey

    "Go on, get outta it! Get out of my paaabbb!"

    Classic, immortal line. Phil's having a bit of a bad time of it at the moment, but Steve McFadden himself seems in much better health. I did wonder what he was doing up in Birmingham, but it soon made sense. "He's behind you!" I'll get my coat.

  • Algarve  Investor

    The Eastenders drinking game is usually a fun one. Disclaimer - always drink responsibly, etc.

    Anytime one of the Mitchell clan mentions family, drink. Every time they head "up west", drink. Every time someone gets dinner from the chippie or the Vic, drink.

    Eastenders is a guilty pleasure of mine, even if it is absolute dross much of the time. Phil Mitchell is probably the best character in it, and good to see him doing his bit for the world of property. I think Fleet Milne have won on the celebrity guest appearance front, unless another agency can pull it out of the bag in the next few weeks.

    Great pictures, by the way. Some much-needed light-heartedness in an industry that can sometimes be accused of taking things - and itself - too seriously. Good on everyone taking part.


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