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KEYWORD "Jeremy Corbyn" - 52 RESULTS
JONATHAN ROLANDE: Starmer’s golden opportunity

So, now we know. After weeks of reports predicting a Labour landslide, Keir Starmer is indeed unpacking his boxes and settling into...

08 July 2024

From: Breaking News

If You Think Truss Is Bad, Look At The System...

How did the housing market transform from incredibly strong - almost too strong - early in the year, to a situation...

15 October 2022

From: Features

Labour wants radical house buying changes if it comes to power

Labour is to reveal a raft of new housing policies at its party conference this weekend - and it claims it’s...

24 September 2021

From: Breaking News

The Cladding Scandal – what do you need to know?

The Grenfell Tower disaster in June 2017 exposed the dangers of inflammable cladding on residential tower blocks, and what has come...

05 June 2021

From: Features

Sunak’s stamp duty holiday was never going to be enough

You have to feel for Rishi Sunak - well, at least a little. Leave to one side that he carries more presentational...

11 July 2020

From: Features

Labour housing supremo moves to new role - replacement named

Labour’s long-standing housing spokesman, John Healey, has been moved to become shadow defence secretary on the front bench of new leader...

07 April 2020

From: Breaking News

Agents vent anger at ‘Boris Corbyn’ shock Mansion Tax proposals

Agents have reacted angrily to the government contemplating introducing a Mansion Tax, and to the Housing Secretary not ruling out the...

10 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Corbyn Road homeowners say they fear a price fall

Home owners on Corbyn Road in a Midlands town are seeking a name change because they fear house prices will plummet. The...

16 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Vote! Vote! Vote! ... for your favourite Christmas tree, that is...

It’s polling day, and not just to decide whether Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister. Our latest estate agency...

12 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Election preview - what are the key issues for agents?

In just over two weeks, the UK population will head to the polls for the fourth general election since 2010. Of course,...

27 November 2019

From: Features

Labour pledges ‘revolution’ based on revamped council housing

Labour is pledging a “housing revolution” with the biggest council house building programme for decades Its manifesto being launched today will include new...

21 November 2019

From: Breaking News

30 sellers to each buyer if Corbyn wins, predicts anti-Labour agent

A stridently anti-Labour estate agent has launched a stinging attack on the Opposition’s policies and has issued a stark warning of...

07 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour’s housing energy efficiency plan to cost £60 billion

A Labour proposal to dramatically improve energy efficiency in almost every British home would cost an estimated £60 billion. The upgrades would...

04 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Election 2019: what agents should expect from the main parties

It’s on - although judging by the early lack of enthusiasm amongst the British public, you might be forgiven for thinking...

01 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Boris and the house moving process - O Lucky Man!

There are many adjectives that can be applied to Boris Johnson, probably very few of them complimentary, but there’s one that...

26 October 2019

From: Features

 Has Labour backed off from its controversial Right To Buy policy?

Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, who earlier this month told a newspaper that he wanted to introduce a Right To Buy policy for...

24 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour bid to seize empty homes and squalid rental properties

Labour will this week discuss plans to allow councils to compulsorily purchase homes left empty for six months. Young Labour - a...

23 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Would a Berlin-style rental price freeze work in the UK?

Recently a number of politicians and charities have been calling for the introduction of rent controls or rent freezes in the...

24 August 2019

From: Features

What would a Corbyn government mean for sales and lettings?

While media attention has been on Theresa May, Brexit and the Tories, chatter in the agency industry has been about what...

25 May 2019

From: Features

Online agency boss named in Top 100 Power List

A slew of bad news stories about online estate agencies may have taken the lustre off the sector in recent weeks,...

06 March 2019

From: Breaking News

Is it Brexit? Is it Corbyn? Agents ponder poor autumn market so far

One estate agent has described the latest price fall announced by the Halifax as “quite a retreat” for the housing market...

08 October 2018

From: Breaking News

The link between Brexit and the online agent debate

From where I’m standing there’s a lot in common between the debate between online and traditional agents, and the argument over...

29 September 2018

From: Features

Labour MP says council tax should be doubled on highest-value homes

Labour MP Chris Williamson, regarded as an ally of party leader Jeremy Corbyn, is suggesting that high-value homes in England should...

12 January 2018

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: A to Z of the property industry for 2017

As we hurtle towards the end of 2017, it’s time to reflect on the year that’s just been.   Even better, this property-based...

25 November 2017

From: Features

Why the last fortnight might not matter

It’s something of an understatement to say it’s been a busy fortnight for the industry in terms of announcements, consultations and...

04 November 2017

From: Features

Stamp duty tinkering will make the whole process more complicated

With the Budget just over a month away, the steady stream of ‘leaks’ continues to grow as journalists and the industry...

21 October 2017

From: Features

Back To The Future: a short history of rent controls

Like many of Labour’s recent policy proposals, its call for rent controls leaves more questions than answers.  There has been widespread criticism...

07 October 2017

From: Features

Party conference season - A housing plan for UK Plc

And so concludes another party conference season.  We’ve followed the great and the good (both terms are debatable) around Torbay, Bournemouth,...

07 October 2017

From: Features

No key speech by Labour housing spokesman at party conference

Labour’s shadow housing minister John Healey is reported to be one of a number of prominent front bench opposition spokespeople being...

18 September 2017

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: it’s time to party (political-style)

In this week’s Natter I’m going to get all political. Don’t worry, I won’t be giving my opinions on Brexit, Trump...

02 September 2017

From: Features

Homeowners trust Tories to run UK housing market

British homeowners have the most confidence in the Conservative Party to run the nation's housing market. A survey of almost 4,500 homeowners,...

06 June 2017

From: Breaking News

General election 2017: Facing the UK’s housing crisis

Theresa May’s call for a snap general election on June 8 took many by surprise. But estate agents have been broadly...

03 June 2017

From: Features

Election preview: Could we be heading for a ‘black swan moment’?

In years to come, students of political history might come to look at the 2017 General Election campaign with some interest....

03 June 2017

From: Features

Why we’re absorbing tenant fees until a decision is made

In November 2016 when the Autumn Statement was delivered by Chancellor Philip Hammond, the announcement was made to ban letting agent...

20 May 2017

From: Features

#GE2017: Housing minister will leave his post on May 3

Yesterday’s decision by MPs to agree to Theresa May’s snap General Election on June 8 means that the current government -...

20 April 2017

From: Breaking News

Two more years of government pain for the industry

My apologies if this causes you to break your Easter egg with a little too much aggression, but I reckon the...

15 April 2017

From: Features

Boris, Corbyn, Trump and co - one agency's REALLY unusual Christmas card

Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Jeremy Corbyn, Phillip Hammond, Tony Blair and Bob Geldof, all in one image...is this truly the nightmare...

15 December 2016

From: Breaking News

More agents back call for lower stamp duty on expensive properties

London agency Stirling Ackroyd is the latest to call for reforms to stamp duty, with a claim that prices for the most expensive...

18 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Shock horror - there are too many estate agents in Islington!

It's enough to make the typical Islington resident splutter over their breakfast muesli, or perhaps feel too nervous to drive their...

02 November 2016

From: Breaking News

Number of home owners under 45 drops by 850,000 in just six years

The Labour Party claims there has been a strikingly large reduction in the number of under-45s who own a home -...

28 September 2016

From: Breaking News

Squeezed activity shows why we should be grateful for new PM

What a month it has been. By the time you read this, we'll have a new Prime Minister, a new Cabinet,...

15 July 2016

From: Features

Still no Labour shadow housing spokesman after Healey resignation

In case you were wondering, it appears that the Labour party has still to find someone to replace John Healey as...

05 July 2016

From: Breaking News

Shadow housing chief is one of dozens of Labour front-benchers to quit

The haemorrhage of Labour spokespeople now includes the party’s respected shadow housing minister John Healey. His letter to party leader Jeremy Corbyn...

28 June 2016

From: Breaking News

The Mansion Tax is back (but only for Labour party members)

There’s bad news today for Labour members living in homes valued at £1m or more - one of their own MPs...

15 January 2016

From: Breaking News

Has Corbyn Labour-proofed lettings?

The party's over. It's probably the best double entendre in the world of politics right now. For centre or right-leaning Labour...

25 September 2015

From: Features

Labour's top priority 'to halt decline in home ownership'

The newly-appointed shadow housing minister says his first priority is to arrest the long-term fall in home ownership in Britain. John Healey...

24 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Corbyn elevates housing to full shadow cabinet status

John Healey - a former housing minister from when Tony Blair was prime minister - has taken the housing post under...

15 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Labour's 'rents U-turn' shadow minister quits over Corbyn

Labour’s low profile housing spokesperson during the coalition government Emma Reynolds has resigned from the opposition front bench in protest at...

14 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Corbyn: We could ban off-shore firms buying homes

Labour leadership front-runner Jeremy Corbyn has suggested a party run by him would consider a ban on the purchase of homes...

04 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Corbyn will end Right To Buy and keep Green Belt

Labour leadership front-runner Jeremy Corbyn says he would vote for a complete end to all forms of Right To Buy and...

06 August 2015

From: Breaking News

MP's Commons motion wants action on From Russia With Cash

An MP has tabled an Early Day Motion calling on the Land Registry to require greater transparency for overseas company purchases...

16 July 2015

From: Breaking News

Foxtons frustrated by latest twist in pub-office saga

The long running story of the south London pub which Foxtons wants to convert to a new office has taken another...

25 June 2015

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal