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KEYWORD "Politicians" - 100 RESULTS
Propertymark webinar to address new political landscape for housing

Propertymark is holding a webinar today covering the likely impact of the General Election on the housing market. Timothy Douglas, head of...

11 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents urged to take advantage of new MPs in 'listening mode'

An industry expert has called on agents to actively lobby new MPs to influence housing policy – whoever wins the election. Neil...

03 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Property Tax - Labour on the ropes in key media interview

A Labour frontbencher has failed to explain why the party has no plans to reform council tax based, in most cases,...

14 June 2024

From: Breaking News

RICS Warns Agents - Election Now Hurting Buyer Confidence

The latest residential market sentiment survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors suggests confidence in the housing market is beginning...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Election webinar launched to help agents reassure vendors

Agents are invited to a webinar on how the General Election will affect the property market. Reapit and PayProp will be hosting...

11 June 2024

From: Breaking News

PRS crying out for fiscal reform, says LRG

In the second of their Election Wishlist series, Leaders Romans Group turn the spotlight on the Private Rented Sector (PRS). Here, National...

08 June 2024

From: Features

JONATHAN ROLANDE:  Ignoring the property crisis damages all of us.

If, like me, you watched the two party leaders battle it out in the first head-to-head debate you’ll have noticed that...

07 June 2024

From: Breaking News

The Netflix effect! Buying London boosts agency business​

Prime property agency London House, which features in the new Netflix series Buying London, has seen a 30% increase in global...

07 June 2024

From: Breaking News

LRG sets out its stall for election 2024

With election day looming, in the first of a series of articles, experts from property services organisation, Leaders Romans Group, offer...

01 June 2024

From: Features

After delays, departures and disruption, Renters (Reform) Bill finally runs out of steam

The Government’s controversial Renters (Reform) Bill has fallen victim to Rishi Sunak’s election announcement and has been shelved. The legislation – which...

25 May 2024

From: Features

JONATHAN ROLANDE: Fall in new home registrations is creating crisis for the sector

With the exception of lockdown, new home registrations have bumped along consistently for the last 15 years. But things are changing...

09 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Industry Views - Why Are Housing Ministers So Mediocre These Days?

Sir Simon Clarke’s call for Rishi Sunak to be ousted from Downing Street may well express what many of his MP...

27 January 2024

From: Features

Estate agents remain among least trusted professions

Estate agents remain among the least trusted professions, the latest Ipsos Veracity Index has revealed – but there is a silver...

15 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Property Natter - Please don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

So Christmas is coming – soon. Traditionally a time for reflection on what’s past and prediction on what’s to come. Last week...

09 December 2023

From: Features

Will the Renters (Reform) Bill really reduce homelessness?

By Neil Cobbold Recent data from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities show that 24,260 households served a valid Section...

04 November 2023

From: Features

Jonathan Rolande: Politicians are pledging a housebuilding revolution but who will build them?

Most weeks there are stories within the property sector that quietly slip under the radar - but which hold huge significance.  Last...

23 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Party leaders quiet on PRS at conferences

Housing supply rather than the private rented sector (PRS) made the headlines during the Conservative and Labour Party conferences this year...

14 October 2023

From: Features

Michael Gove’s Wasted Opportunity

Talk about a wasted opportunity. The Conservative party conference - just finished, and possibly the last one before a General Election -...

07 October 2023

From: Features

Propertymark aims to put housing on party conference agenda

Propertymark is extending its political engagement and reach by exhibiting at the party conferences this week. The agency trade body will be...

02 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Agency bosses reveal party conference housing wish list

Stamp Duty changes and planning reform should be high on the party conference season agenda, agency executives have suggested. Leaders Roman Group...

25 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Government urged to look beyond ‘vocal NIMBY minority’ to boost housebuilding

The majority of the British public believe the Government is responsible for fixing the country’s housing shortage but few believe that...

22 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Are 'doorstep communities' the answer to better urban living?

Twenty-minute neighbourhoods, 15-minute cities, low traffic neighbourhoods, walkable neighbourhoods: these concepts are suddenly everywhere. They boil down to a simple idea:...

16 September 2023

From: Features

Could stricter regulation mean higher fees? A marketer explains….

I'll start with a confession. I am not an estate agent - I'm a marketer. But since I joined the industry...

09 September 2023

From: Features

Thinktank calls for Stamp Duty to be scrapped

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has repeated calls for Stamp Duty to be scrapped as politicians prepare for party conference...

25 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Jonathan Rolande: It won’t be politicians who get us out of this crisis

The National Association of Property Buyers’ Jonathan Rolande gives his take on why it’s those working across the sector who will help drag us...

07 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Renters' Bill - great reform or act of sabotage?

The proposals to shake the Private Rental Sector (PRS) to its foundations will, depending upon your political persuasion and housing status,...

03 June 2023

From: Features

Jonathan Rolande: Are bungalows the answer to the housing crisis?

It has been another busy week in the property sector.  In his latest column, property commentator Jonathan Rolande, provides his take on...

19 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Politicians grow bored of “forest” of For Sale and To Let signs

Politicians are to take estate agents to task over what they call “a forest” of For Sale and To Let boards. Local...

14 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Property Natter - 2023? Keep calm and carry on

Happy New Year, to you all. Now that we’re all back in harness and Christmas feels like a long-distant memory, I...

14 January 2023

From: Features

2023 - this is what’s going to happen

Is it really just a year ago that we were nervously wondering whether yet another Christmas would be Covid-affected? Little did we...

10 December 2022

From: Features

Phil Spencer: Restoring Trust In Estate Agents

I wasn’t completely surprised to read here on Estate Agent Today that our industry remains near the bottom of the league...

06 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Consumer trust in estate agents declines

Consumer trust in estate agents has declined over the past year, new research claims. The latest Veracity Index from Ipsos Mori, which...

24 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Former Housing Secretary: ‘It’s un-Conservative to not build homes’

A former Housing Secretary has outlined why the Conservative Party mustn’t abandon its commitment to housebuilding. It comes as some 47 Conservative...

24 November 2022

From: Breaking News

Elon Musk and Blue Ticks - why Twitter matters to the industry

I’ve been on Twitter for a decade and have 23,500 followers - a gratifying number and of those a couple of...

12 November 2022

From: Features

A new week, a new PM – and yet another Housing Secretary?

A week-long race to be the next Conservative Party leader and the Prime Minister kicks off this week, or may already...

24 October 2022

From: Breaking News

If You Think Truss Is Bad, Look At The System...

How did the housing market transform from incredibly strong - almost too strong - early in the year, to a situation...

15 October 2022

From: Features

What do we do about a problem like Airbnb?

Some people will say: What problem? But they are getting fewer as the detrimental effect of increasing numbers of short lets on...

03 September 2022

From: Features

Dear New Prime Minister - here's your housing to-do list

We are only a fortnight away from having a new Prime Minister, following a contest in which housing has played a...

20 August 2022

From: Features

Would a Liz Truss win lead to BoE reform and much higher interest rates?

Interest rates made their biggest leap in 27 years yesterday, rising by 0.5% from 1.25% to 1.75%. It was the biggest...

05 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Rishi-Tweedle-Dum and Liz-Tweedle-DumDum

When it comes to housing policy, the Conservative MPs have given their party a choice between Tweedle Dum and Tweedle DumDum. Rishi...

23 July 2022

From: Features

Exclusive - what makes an agency industry leader tick 

People in prominent positions in the housing industry aren’t always perfect role models. After all, Chris Pincher was housing minister for...

09 July 2022

From: Features

Opinion - government mortgage plan could mean more inherited debt

There’s talk of 50-year mortgages being introduced, loans that, along with the property they finance, could be passed to the next...

09 July 2022

From: Features

Why haven't politicians listened to our industry?

It’s often fashionable to criticise trade bodies and official groups, but right now I think that’s absolutely inappropriate. In well over 20...

25 June 2022

From: Features

Why are landlords so unpopular?

This question is not as flippant as it sounds because over recent years the status of the private landlord has taken...

11 June 2022

From: Features

Is it time to do the world a favour?

Estate agents are in a unique position – we handle the meeting of people’s aspirations probably more than any other profession....

21 May 2022

From: Features

Predictions 2022 - an interview with Simon Shinerock

Peta Milne, founder of Instagram growth and PR service Monimo, and a content writer at Choices Estate Agents, recently sat down...

05 March 2022

From: Features

More politicians back seizure of oligarchs' London property assets

Momentum is building up in support of the government’s probe into whether the London homes of oligarchs on the sanctions list...

04 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Affordability is the issue of the rent control argument

The hot topic of rent controls has remerged in recent weeks, with passionate voices on both sides of the argument speaking...

02 March 2022

From: Features

Interest Rates - Do They Matter Any More?

Here’s the odd thing about interest rates - we all care about them, but they don’t directly affect that many people...

05 February 2022

From: Features

Insider gets senior Propertymark policy position

Propertymark has appointed an insider to the key role of policy adviser - effectively the position vacated last month by industry...

21 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Politicians to set limits on second homes, with higher council taxes

It appears almost certain that there will be limits imposed on the number and location of second homes in Wales, following...

23 November 2021

From: Breaking News

Lies, Damned Lies, and House Building Targets

We’ve probably all learned to be a little less cynical about politicians in recent weeks, given the tragic events. We perhaps...

30 October 2021

From: Features

Housing leaders pay tribute to murdered MP

Leading politicians operating in the housing industry have paid tribute to murdered backbencher Sir David Amess. Housing Secretary Michael Gove tweeted: “David...

18 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Natter – how can estate agents improve their green credentials?

As we motor towards the next major global climate change conference – the UN’s COP26 being held in Glasgow from 31...

25 September 2021

From: Features

Developer land banking ‘myth’ debunked by study, major builders say

A leading planning consultancy has claimed that ‘the myth’ that housing developers are hoarding land after gaining planning consent in order...

23 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls - It’s Back To The Future

Few political policies have such a ring of the past as rent controls - they were last seen in this country...

04 September 2021

From: Features

Property Natter - will UK agents ever be seen as true professionals?

There are some parts of the world, including in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, where estate agent isn’t seen as...

28 August 2021

From: Features

Politicians “worried” after house prices rise £100,000 in one year

Politicians in one of the most exclusive property enclaves are complaining after average house prices have risen around £100,000 in just...

24 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Labour politicians blasted over “unsustainable” house prices

A nationalist party has blasted a Labour government in one national region of the UK for its lack of intervention in...

18 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Is This The Alternative To Stamp Duty?

There’s gathering momentum to do ‘something’ about the unfairness of council tax and stamp duty. This isn’t new in principle. Agents have...

24 July 2021

From: Features

Anti-Rashford comment - Government housing chief apologises

One of the most senior politicians involved in the property industry is embroiled in a row over her anti-Marcus Rashford social...

13 July 2021

From: Breaking News

The Holiday Home Debate - Don’t Let Politicians Get Away With It

At first sight it’s a tough ask to defend holiday homes when there’s evidence that many who want to buy can’t,...

10 July 2021

From: Features

Leading politician says sales tax on homes could help local buyers

One of the country’s leading politicians says a yet-to-be-revealed way of taxing property sales could be one way of helping homes...

01 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Politicians told: Do your bit for homes, owners, buyers, renters

The new Mayor of London, to be decided in an election tomorrow, has just received a six point set of demands...

05 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: why agency must never become a closed shop

The biggest news story in town this last week – which has brought people who don’t usually like or watch football...

24 April 2021

From: Features

Prince Philip: how the property landscape changed during his century

For many, the funeral of HRH Prince Philip will be a solemn affair, while for some it will also be a...

17 April 2021

From: Features

Estate agents trusted more than politicians (yes, that old story)

First the good news - estate agents are trusted more than politicians and no less than bankers. Now the bad news:...

31 March 2021

From: Breaking News

Honesty – and a leak - see the property market through ‘crisis’

Honesty is a concept that journalists will tell their readers is non-existent for estate agents. Yeah, right! But as the end...

27 February 2021

From: Features

Lobby your MP over stamp duty holiday extension, agents told

Propertymark - still reeling over two senior resignations in less than a week - says its lobbying sessions with politicians are...

22 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Stamp Duty may not be so bad after all, argues leading analyst

A housing market analyst says stamp duty, for all its unpopularity within the property industry, may not be so bad after...

08 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Property Natter: exclusive Q&A with Tim Balcon, Propertymark’s new CEO

Propertymark, the overarching body aiming to bring five different associations (ARLA, NAEA, NAVA, ICBA and APIP) into a single brand, was...

16 January 2021

From: Features

You guessed it…10 things to watch for in 2021

Here’s hoping you managed to have as good a Christmas and New Year as Covid rules allowed. Journalism in early January is...

02 January 2021

From: Features

Agency stung by lockdown criticism reveals policy for next four weeks

An agency in London which was stung by fierce criticism in the spring lockdown has announced its policy for branch activity...

03 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Does experience still count in estate agency?

“I’ve got 47 years of experience as an agent. Do I still have to get a qualification?” asked one attendee at...

31 October 2020

From: Features

No more Mr Bad Guy: the image of agents is getting a makeover

Lawyers, politicians, bankers, insurance sellers – no matter where you go, there are some professions that are just always going to...

17 October 2020

From: Features

Property Natter - perception vs reality - why do agents have a bad rep?

It’s fair to say that UK estate agents don’t have the best of reputations, often featuring in the lists of the...

29 August 2020

From: Features

Sunak’s stamp duty holiday was never going to be enough

You have to feel for Rishi Sunak - well, at least a little. Leave to one side that he carries more presentational...

11 July 2020

From: Features

Jenrick - Why his scandals matter to agents

It may be that by the time you read this it’s all over for Robert Jenrick, the Secretary of State for...

27 June 2020

From: Features

Death of revered estate agent after amazing 6,000 house sales

The death has been announced of Colin Lowman, a veteran south London estate agent who had a 64 year career in...

08 June 2020

From: Breaking News

'No DSS' lawsuits - what do letting agents need to know?

Over the last few years, there have been a number of high-profile court cases in which renters took action against letting...

30 May 2020

From: Features

All Change! Agents should reform ‘before government intervenes’

The industry should continue to prepare for large-scale reforms such as mandatory agency training, the licensing of agents and a new...

21 May 2020

From: Breaking News

Mansion Tax scrapped after PM vetoes the idea

The government will not announce a Mansion Tax at next month’s Budget. It was first reported by the Sunday Telegraph a week ago,...

16 February 2020

From: Breaking News

It's time for agents and politicians to get behind Reservation Agreements trial

Now we’re well into the second month of the year, we have reached a crucial point in the ongoing plans to...

08 February 2020

From: Features

Agents’ Compulsory Qualifications: politicians to meet group this week

The chair of the working group introducing mandatory examinations and qualifications for estate and letting agents says senior politicians will meet...

04 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Two-tier system can produce winners if landlords are prepared to move

After a challenging period for the UK property market, recovery is very much on the cards and the end to uncertainty...

01 February 2020

From: Features

Brexit challenges for agents and the property industry

Suddenly Brexit Day is nearly here. It may have taken three and a half years from the Referendum but the UK will,...

25 January 2020

From: Features

Stamp duty receipts down again - agency demands government action

Data from HM Revenue & Customs shows tax receipts from stamp duty fell a further 5.2 per cent between 2018 and...

23 January 2020

From: Breaking News

General election 2019: The housing crisis remains a top issue

With Brexit still unresolved, the domestic agenda has been pushed from the headlines by the seemingly overwhelming public and political discord...

07 December 2019

From: Features

Message to new government: Sort Brexit one way or another

Agents and property industry figures have given a clear message to the government six weeks ahead of the General Election -...

31 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Boris and the house moving process - O Lucky Man!

There are many adjectives that can be applied to Boris Johnson, probably very few of them complimentary, but there’s one that...

26 October 2019

From: Features

Mwahahahahaha .... Let’s see your Halloween offices!

It’s only a week to the Big Day when gore-splattered figures wreak havoc on an unsuspecting industry and nation. But enough about...

24 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Will the current political landscape encourage Generation Rent to vote?

In recent years, governments and local councils have sought to change the private rented sector (PRS) to make it more appealing...

28 September 2019

From: Features

Party Conferences: what agents should look out for

If you thought - perhaps hoped - that five weeks of prorogued Parliament meant a break from politics, think again: the...

14 September 2019

From: Features

Top agent tells PM that stamp duty chatter is causing market “paralysis”

A well-respected agent who was president of the NAEA just five years ago has written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson asking...

28 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Would a Berlin-style rental price freeze work in the UK?

Recently a number of politicians and charities have been calling for the introduction of rent controls or rent freezes in the...

24 August 2019

From: Features

MHCLG gets a makeover – three key tasks for the new ministers to consider

With Boris Johnson winning the Conservative leadership election and becoming Prime Minister, he has spent his first few days in office...

03 August 2019

From: Features

High profile housing minister named - but how long will she last?

Esther McVey is to be the new housing minister - one of the most seasoned politicians to take the job in...

25 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Beyond the headlines - What the new regulator really means

The industry press has given substantial space to recommendations from the Regulation of Property Agents, the government’s working party which has...

20 July 2019

From: Features

New industry regulator and qualifications ‘in place within two years’

A new industry regulator is likely to be in place within two years according to the chair of the government’s Regulation...

11 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Theresa May’s legacy - how has housing fared under her government?

Theresa May arrived in Downing Street some three years ago - but her premiership has not been a smooth ride. As she...

06 July 2019

From: Features

MovePal MovePal MovePal